Please join us for this year’s Family Camp. It is a inspiring and life changing weekend for our families, as well as the whole church. As we enjoy the time away from our day-to-day activities, we are able to reconnect as a community. This weekend also provides opportunities for quiet time and reflection with the Lord, so we can strengthen our relationship with Him. Our theme this year is “The Amazing Race” and we will focus on 2 Timothy 4:7. We hope you can join us!
“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful”
AUGUST 17-19 (youth)
AUGUST 19-21 (family/adults)
Venue: Forest Home
Cost per person for 2 nights & 5 meals :
-Adults: $166
-Children ages 9-11: $125
-Children ages 3-8: $91
-Youth (4 nights, 12 meals): $278
Payment Options:
VISIT lobby table on Sundays after the Service for assistance/inquiry
Drop payment in the lobby table or church office
( Check payable to : WCC // Memo: Family Camp )