Men’s Winter Golf Tournament

Event: Men’s Winter Golf Tournament Venue: Royal Vista Golf Club Address: 20055 Colima Road, Walnut Phone Number: 909 595-7441. When: Tuesday 12/31/19 at 9:45 AM Cost: $30.00 / Player Please fill out our form below! If you have any difficulty signing up please fill out our form HERE instead or contact the church office at […]

W.C.C. Marriage Retreat

Carlsbad inn beach resort 3075 Carlsbad Blvd, Carlsbad, CA, United States

Are you ready for an amazing time together that is sure to help you have a better, stronger, healthier marriage?  Come join Pastor Frank/Cynda and Mike/Pat Melendrez as they share from the Word of God and life experience on how to keep your marriage healthy and thriving. When? Saturday to Sunday, February 22-23rd. Where? Carlsbad […]


Young Adults

B 1-6 , United States

We’re a community of young adults (post-college to age 35) who are here to fellowship and grow in our Christian faith together!

Young Adults

B 1-6 , United States

We’re a community of young adults (post-college to age 35) who are here to fellowship and grow in our Christian faith together!

Young Adults

B 1-6 , United States

We’re a community of young adults (post-college to age 35) who are here to fellowship and grow in our Christian faith together!

Young Adults

B 1-6 , United States

We’re a community of young adults (post-college to age 35) who are here to fellowship and grow in our Christian faith together!

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