Sunday Morning Main Service

Woodbridge Community Church 5000 Barranca Pkwy, Irvine, CA, United States

We are excited to have you come this Sunday morning. When you arrive on campus, stop by the Welcome Kiosk for a warm welcome and directions for you, your children and/or your youth. After the 10:30 service, come gather with us in the courtyard for fellowship and refreshments

Mother’s Day Photo Booth

In celebration of Mother’s Day, come and strike your best pose in our photo booth! The booth will be set up right in our courtyard immediately following the service. Come with your mom or mother figure and be prepared to show your beautiful smiles for the camera.  Contact Fhina Chissek, WCC Kids Ministry Director, [email protected].

SALT Picnic

Venue: Oak Creek Park Time: 11:30am-1pm

Women’s Spring Breakfast

Bldg. B 1-4

You will not want to miss hearing our speaker share about being persecuted for her faith. Sign up in the lobby May 7 and 14 or contact Jan Parker.

Sunday Morning Main Service

Woodbridge Community Church 5000 Barranca Pkwy, Irvine, CA, United States

We are excited to have you come this Sunday morning. When you arrive on campus, stop by the Welcome Kiosk for a warm welcome and directions for you, your children and/or your youth. After the 10:30 service, come gather with us in the courtyard for fellowship and refreshments

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