Bringing Jesus to a Broken World

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Things happen and life goes on, but that doesn’t mean the sermon you missed is gone forever, because we keep them all recorded right here. Just in case.

Lessons from Paul on How to Share your Testimony

June 24, 2024
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: Acts 26
Lessons from Paul on How to Share your Testimony

Sermon Notes Lessons from Paul on how to share your testimony. 1. Be respectful and courteous. (Acts 26:1-3) 2. Share from the heart. (Acts 26:4-6) 3. Be clear about the importance of the topic, eternal life. (Acts 26: 5-8) 4. Be honest about your life before meeting Jesus. (Acts 26:8-11) 5. Share how Jesus changes […]

The Conversion of a Roman Officer & its Impact on Human History

June 17, 2024
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: Acts 10
The Conversion of a Roman Officer & its Impact on Human History

Sermon Notes 1. Cornelius was an accomplished decorated Roman officer. 2. Cornelius was searching for God in his life. 3. Acts 10 teaches that what God has made clean is clean. 4. Peter and Cornelius are very different men with the same need for Jesus. 5. Acts 10 changes the course of human history.   […]

What’s in the Message of Jesus?

June 10, 2024
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: Acts 15:6-11
What’s in the Message of Jesus?

Sermon Notes 1. The Jerusalem Council in Acts 15 gathered to discuss “what is the message of Jesus?” 2. The message of Jesus is that we are saved by grace through faith, not religious works! 3. All religion is salvation through moral effort. 4. The message of the Gospel is “Jesus plus nothing”! 5. If […]

Spiritual Warfare in Acts: Your Life as a Battle on Two Fronts

June 3, 2024
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Michael Cranford
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: Acts 19:8-20
Spiritual Warfare in Acts: Your Life as a Battle on Two Fronts

Sermon Notes 1. The Battle in the Material Realm (Culture / Flesh and Blood) (Acts 19:8-10) a) Pushback happens when you are living for Christ in a fallen world. b) When you speak the truth, expect people to put up walls and harden their hearts. c) It sometimes looks like people and circumstances are aligned […]

Christ Above Culture

Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Vince Arnaldo
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: Acts 6:1-7
Christ Above Culture

Sermon Notes 1. Every culture has its own broken bias and prejudice. (verse1) 2. The church leaders addressed social justice issues, but it did not change their main focus – prayer and the preaching of the Word of God. (verses 2-4) 3. The life blood of social reform is the transforming work of the Holy […]

Barnabas: Son of Encouragement

May 20, 2024
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Speaker: Pastor Graham McGuinness
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: ACTS 4:36-37; 9:26-30; 11:19-26
Barnabas: Son of Encouragement

Sermon Notes 1. His consecration to the LORD His attitude towards new converts   2. His call as a missionary His unselfishness and humility His limitations   3. Our commitment to the LORD   Follow-up Questions from Sunday: Quick Review: Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for […]

The Book of Acts and the Supernatural

May 13, 2024
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: Acts 2:41-47; John 5:1-9; John 5:31-36; Isaiah 55:8-9
The Book of Acts and the Supernatural

Sermon Notes: 1. Miracles are for the purpose of giving testimony that Jesus is the Messiah. (John 5:36; Acts 4:4-12) 2. Miracles are always done by the sovereign will of God. (John 5:19) 3. God heals to glorify Himself and His Son. (Luke 5:24-26; Matthew 15:30-31; John 11:4; Luke 17:17-18) 4. Jesus’ healing ministry is […]

You Have Influence

May 6, 2024
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Joe Mundineau
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: Matthew 5:1-16; Psalm 1:1-6; John 17:15-16,18; 2 Corinthians 2:14-16; 1 Peter 2:9
You Have Influence

Sermon Notes Jesus’ Strategy to Influence the World: Matthew 5:13-16 1. The Presupposition- darkness and decay. 2. The Plan- Being salt and light. 3. The Problem- “contamination” meaning being made impure or dirty by polluting. Psalm 1 4. The Purpose- God is glorified. Functioning as salt and light bringing pleasure and satisfaction to our God. […]

The Powerful Message of the Great Commission

April 30, 2024
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 2:14-41; Luke 16:27-31
The Powerful Message of the Great Commission

Sermon Notes The message of the Great Commission is: 1. Jesus is the prophesied Messiah who died for the forgiveness of sins. 2. All through the book of Acts, prophecy was used to prove the message of Jesus. 3. Prophecy is persuasive. 4. The Holy Spirit is sent to give power to the messenger and […]

Power for the Great Commission

April 22, 2024
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Bringing Jesus to a Broken World
Verses used: Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:6-8; Zechariah 4:6; John14:15-17; 2 Timothy 1:7
Power for the Great Commission

Sermon Notes 1. The Holy Spirit, our Helper, is a Person! (John 14:15-17) 2. The Holy Spirit is a person who provides power for the proclamation. (Acts 1:8) 3. Every miracle Jesus did was done after He was baptized by the Holy Spirit at the Jordan River. (Luke 4:21) 4. The Holy Spirit is associated […]