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Things happen and life goes on, but that doesn’t mean the sermon you missed is gone forever, because we keep them all recorded right here. Just in case.

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Debts of Forgiveness

May 15, 2017
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Tell Me a Story
Verses used: Luke 7:41-43
Debts of Forgiveness

Message Title: Debts of Forgiveness Series: Tell Me a Story Key verses: Luke 7:41-43 Sermon Notes: 1. Jesus’ second parable is directed to the religious people of the day and it is all about love related to forgiveness. Jesus has a problem with the Pharisee because: 2. In all his studying, he has misunderstood the […]

Wineskins of Change

May 8, 2017
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Tell Me a Story
Verses used: Luke 5:36-39
Wineskins of Change

Message Title: Wineskins of Change Series: Tell Me a Story Key verses: Luke 5:36-39 Sermon Notes: 1. A parable is a heavenly truth placed in an earthly setting. In the eyes of the Pharisees: 2. Jesus had the wrong theology. 3. Jesus hangs out with the wrong company. 4. Jesus and His disciples don’t act […]

The Pregnancy of a Calling

April 30, 2017
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Speaker: Pastor Danny Pyon
Series: The Pregnancy of a Calling
Verses used: Luke 1: 26-35, 37-38
The Pregnancy of a Calling

Key verses: Luke 1: 26-35, 37-38 Sermon Notes: What is a calling? 1) Calling is always about the Caller. 2) Calling is always a process. 3) Calling is always profitable.  “Encourage is helping someone find their courage to live out their God given calling”

We Know

April 24, 2017
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: How Do You Know?
Verses used: John 6:67-69
We Know

Sermon Notes: 1. What do you believe? 2. How do you personally know? Small Group Questions: Ice Breaker: What U2 song is your favorite? If you don’t listen to U2, then share a favorite song that you like. 1. Which part of the service on Sunday impacted you the most? 2. Read John 6:67-69, Acts […]

How Do We Know the Resurrection Really Happened?

April 16, 2017
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: How Do You Know?
Verses used: John 20:19-21, 24-31
How Do We Know the Resurrection Really Happened?

Key verses: John 20:19-21, 24-31 Sermon Notes: 4 Historical arguments against the Resurrection of Jesus: 1. The stolen body theory. 2. The wrong tomb theory. 3. The swoon theory. 4. The hallucination theory.

How Do We Know That the Bible Is Reliable? Part 2

April 9, 2017
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: How Do You Know?
Verses used: Zach 9:9, 14:4, Lk 24:25-27
How Do We Know That the Bible Is Reliable? Part 2

Sermon Notes: 1. Prophecy is the foretelling of what is to come. **Scripture says that Messiah will: 2. Be born of a virgin(Gen 3:15, Is 7:14) 3. Be of the line of Abraham, Judah, David. (Gen 18:18, 49:10 Is 11:10.) 4. Be the Son of God. (Ps 2:7) 5. Be born in Bethlehem. (Micah 5:2) […]

How Do We Know That the Bible Is Reliable?

April 3, 2017
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: How Do You Know?
Verses used: John 6:67-68, Romans 10:17, 2 Tim 3:15
How Do We Know That the Bible Is Reliable?

Key verses: Jn 6:67-68, Romans 10:17, 2 Tim 3:15 Sermon Notes: 1. In the days of Jesus, the Scriptures were seen as authoritative writings from God. 2. For the follower of Jesus, the O.T. and the N.T. Scriptures have always been seen as authoritative writings from God. The Bible is: 3. Historically accurate. 4. Archeologically […]

How Do We Know That Christianity Is True?

March 27, 2017
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Speaker: Mike Cranford
Series: How Do You Know?
Verses used: John 14:6-9; 10:7-10; Romans 8:18-21; 5:12-17; John 1:1-14; John 3:3-8; 2 Cor. 5:16-17
How Do We Know That Christianity Is True?

Notes: 1. God writes His law on our hearts so that we would have the lives we were meant to have, and so that we would find our way to Him. 2. Christianity is the correct answer to the question of how we find God and receive the new life He offers us. a. Religious […]

How Do We Know That God Exists?

March 19, 2017
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Speaker: Mike Cranford
Series: How Do You Know?
Verses used: Romans 2:12-15; 3:21-24; 1 Cor. 15:30-32; Phil. 3:18-21
How Do We Know That God Exists?

Key verses: Romans 2:12-15; 3:21-24; 1 Cor. 15:30-32; Phil. 3:18-21 Sermon Notes: 1. People across all times and cultures have the same basic sense of right and wrong. 2. This conviction of right and wrong is a clue to the meaning of the universe. 3. Christianity is a more rational explanation of this experience than […]

How do you know what you believe is true?

March 12, 2017
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: How Do You Know?
Verses used: John 6:68-69
How do you know what you believe is true?

Key verses: John 6:68-69 Sermon Notes: 1. Faith and conviction encompasses a personal, spiritual journey involving an intellectual and experiential process. 2. The argument in John 6:22 begins over food. 3. Our work is to not work, but to believe in the work of Jesus. 4. Moses didn’t come down from heaven, but Jesus did! […]