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Things happen and life goes on, but that doesn’t mean the sermon you missed is gone forever, because we keep them all recorded right here. Just in case.

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Ultimate Service Overcomes the Presence of Fear

October 11, 2021
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Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Mortiz
Series: Pressing Through Fear
Verses used: Acts 1:1-11
Ultimate Service Overcomes the Presence of Fear

Sermon Notes 1. We are Armed with the Gospel Message.  The Incarnation of Christ (v.1)  The Cross of Christ (v.3a)  The Resurrection of Christ (v.3b)  The […]

Trusting God in the Presence of Fear

October 4, 2021
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Pressing Through Fear
Verses used: Joshua 1:1-11
Trusting God in the Presence of Fear

Sermon Notes Notes: 1. The opposite of fear in the Scriptures is courage. 2. God told Joshua to be strong and courageous three times because he was afraid. 3. When […]

Facing the Storms in the Presence of Fear

September 27, 2021
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Speaker: Pastor Graham McGuinness
Series: Pressing Through Fear
Verses used: Mark 4
Facing the Storms in the Presence of Fear

Sermon Notes: INTRODUCTION 1. THE CHAOS (verses 35 & 37) – storms are a test Storms of life can come even when we are in the Lord’s will The disciples […]

Hope in Strange and Uncertain Times

September 20, 2021
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Speaker: Rabbi Larry Feldman
Series: Woodbridge Sermons
Verses used:
Hope in Strange and Uncertain Times

Sermon Notes: Introduction MI—We should trust God and be faithful because He is in control and has a plan. I. God is sovereign and in control. II. God has a […]

Fellowship and Small Groups

September 13, 2021
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: Woodbridge Sermons
Verses used: 1 Jn 1:1-4
Fellowship and Small Groups

Sermon Notes: 1. The word fellowship means to share in. 2. Christian fellowship begins between you and God. 3. Christian fellowship with others centers on our shared relationship with Jesus. […]

Great Power, Great Responsibility

September 7, 2021
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Speaker: Joshua Arnaldo
Series: The Majesty and Centrality of Jesus
Verses used: Philippians 2:1-11
Great Power, Great Responsibility

Sermon Notes 1. We are called to be like Christ. 2. Jesus emptied Himself, so that we could know Him. 3. Jesus understands everything we have gone, are going, and […]

PHILEMON: Making Peace Between Believers

August 30, 2021
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: The Majesty and Centrality of Jesus
Verses used: Philemon 1:15-16
PHILEMON: Making Peace Between Believers

Sermon Notes 1. In verses 1-9, Paul honors Philemon as a brother in Christ. 2. In verses 10-20, Paul brings clarity to the conflict and seeks resolution and reconciliation. 3. […]

I Pray For You; You Pray For Me

August 23, 2021
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: The Majesty and Centrality of Jesus
Verses used: Colossians 4:2-6
I Pray For You; You Pray For Me

Sermon Notes Why be devoted to prayer? 1. Prayer is the means by which God gets His will done on earth. 2. Prayer cannot change the nature of God, but […]

Think Heaven, Seek Heaven, Live Who You Are

August 16, 2021
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Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: The Majesty and Centrality of Jesus
Verses used: Colossians 3:1-4
Think Heaven, Seek Heaven, Live Who You Are

Sermon Notes: 1. Christ is seated at the right hand of God and we are seated with Him. 2. Colossians 3:1 tells us to seek heaven. 3. Colossians 3:2 tells […]

Encouragement from Paul’s Life & Warnings

August 9, 2021
Sermon Title Underline
Speaker: Pastor Frank Winans
Series: The Majesty and Centrality of Jesus
Verses used: Colossians 1:24-2:15
Encouragement from Paul’s Life & Warnings

Sermon Notes 1. Jesus suffered on the cross for sins; Paul suffered telling people what Jesus did. 2. Paul hopes that how he has lived his life and is living […]

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