Sermon Notes:
1. It is the will of Almighty God to unify people together in Jesus.
2. Unity is found in our common love for Jesus, born in His Spirit.
3. In Heaven, there will be no racism.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday’s Message:
Looking back on last Sunday’s message and your notes, what was the most meaningful part for you?
Digging Deeper:
1. How would you define racism? What do you think are the inner causes of racism in the human heart?
2. How much damage do you think racism has caused in the past history of our country and in the present?
3. What do you think is the key to stopping it?
4. What has God been speaking to your heart these last weeks about police injustice, racism, and the rioting going on? How do you think we as followers of Jesus are to respond to these things?
5. Read John 17:20-23; Galatians 3:26-28; and Luke 8:19-21. What do these verses say to the issue of racism in the family of God?
6. In John 17, what do you think Jesus is talking about in regards to oneness and complete unity? With whom do you share this unity? How can you experience more unity?
7. How do you think racism has hampered the Church’s witness to the world in the past and in the present? What do you think Jesus would say to us in order to fix this?
Taking it Home:
Pray that God will help you be firmly established in the truth you have about Him and who you are as His child.