Pastor Vince

Managers do things right. Leaders do the right thing.

Last month of September, I concluded a 2-part series of messages on Discipleship in America: Something needs to change. I appreciate the replies that I got from people who responded to the messages, specially the ones who filled up the commitment cards. Heaven rejoices when a person commits more fully to the Lord. Just know that the enemy of your soul will do what he can to discourage you. But do not be afraid. Jesus said , “I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace. In this world, you will have trouble, but take heart! I have overcome the world.” Ultimately, its still all about Him.

I continue to challenge one and all to make a commitment and seriously consider serving the Lord even more, specially in the areas of your talents, gifts and abilities. In the parable of the talents (Matthew 25:14-30), the unfaithful servant was rebuked by his master, not because of what he did that was wrong, but what he didn’t do that was right. In the end, when we do get to see Jesus face to face, as his children, we will not be judged by the wrong things we have done, because that’s been paid for at the cross already. Instead, we will be judged by the right thing we could have done, but decided not to do. Think about that for a moment, and meditate upon its implications. Imagine yourself in front of Jesus, having a one on one conversation with Him. At that moment, you realize what could have been your reward if you had been more faithful to Him. But by then, you can no longer bring back the hands of time.

We only have a window of time on earth to serve Him. Doesn’t he deserve our very best? Isn’t He worth all the sacrifices we can make to please Him? Again, I thank all of you who have responded and made commitments to serve God even more. Know that we in the church staff are in this journey with you. If you’d like to know where you can serve, email me at [email protected] and just let me know what the Lord is speaking to you about. Your response is a big encouragement to us in the church staff who are praying for you and wanting to serve God with excellence.