Sermon Notes:
What is True Worship?
1. God seeks worshippers who worship Him in Spirit and Truth.
2. True worship flows from biblical truth rooted in relationship with Jesus Christ.
3. True worship engages the spiritual realm with the Holy Spirit.
4. Ask what God is doing, and be a part of it.
It is dangerous to compartmentalize worship from your daily life.
We are all made to worship.
How to Worship
1. Practice awareness of the Presence of God.
2. Cultivate a holy dependency on God.
3. Become a living sacrifice of praise.
Digging Deeper:
1. What is your favorite worship song and why? What biblical truths do these songs proclaim?
2. What ways (outside of worship singing) do you use to connect with God’s Presence?
3. What does it mean to you to worship in Spirit and Truth?
4. We know worship is more than singing songs on a Sunday, how do you see worship in your everyday life?
5. Think about the different areas of your life (workplace, family life, day-to-day activities), are you living your life in such a way that glorifies and worships God? What areas in your life can be better aligned with God’s Spirit and Truth?
6. Being aligned to God’s Spirit and Truth requires an awareness of God’s Presence, where do you see God working around you and how can you be a part of it?
7. Worship helps cultivate a “holy dependency” on God, why can it be so difficult sometimes to express our need for Jesus?
Key Point:
Jesus invites us to expand our definition of worship by worshipping though the way we live, in Sprit and Truth, rooted in our relationship and need for Christ, and marked by transformation.