Sermon Notes:
1. The word fellowship means to share in.
2. Christian fellowship begins between you and God.
3. Christian fellowship with others centers on our shared relationship with Jesus.
4. Fellowship and discipleship happen in meaningful relationships.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Starter Question: What was your favorite thing you did or favorite place you went over the summer and why?
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. Read 1 John 1:1-4. As the Apostle John begins his letter, he tells the readers that he has actually heard, seen, and touched Jesus who he calls the “Word of Life”. What do you think are some of the most amazing things he saw Jesus do and say as he followed Him for three years?
2. If you had been there back then, what miracle and teaching do you think would have been the most remarkable to you and why?
3. In verse 3, John tells the readers that his purpose in writing his letter is that they would experience Christian fellowship together. What does the word “fellowship” mean to you and how would you describe Christian fellowship to someone?
4. What do you think is so important about Christian Fellowship and what do you think happens to Christians who don’t seek it out?
Taking it Home:
What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week? If you have time this week, watch Season 2, Episode 1 of “The Chosen” and enter in to what it must have been like for John to walk with Jesus.