Sermon Notes:
Christian’s different responses to war over the centuries:
1. Pacifism is the belief that it is never right to participate in war. (Exodus 20:13; Matthew 5:38-44)
2. Activism is the belief that it is always right to participate in war in obedience to one’s government. (1 Peter 2:13-14; Romans 13:1-7)
3. Selectivism is the belief that it is sometimes right to participate in war. (Genesis 14:11-20; Isaiah 1:16-17)
Digging deeper:
1. As a follower of Jesus, what do you think are the hardest questions we have to answer when it comes to the topic of war?
2. Pacifism is the conviction that all killing is murder and Jesus teaches us to be peacemakers not war-makers (Matthew 5:9,38-48). What do you think are the greatest strengths of this position? What do you think are its greatest weaknesses?
3. Activism is the conviction that God commands us to obey the government that we are under and if they send us to war, we should obey (1 Peter 2:13-14; Romans 13:1-7). What do you think are the greatest strengths of this position and its greatest weaknesses?
4. Selectivism is the conviction that we should only participate in a “just” war (Genesis 14:11-20; Isaiah 1:16-17). What do you think are the greatest strengths of this position and its weaknesses?
5. Read Acts 4:1-22. This verse teaches that it is ok to disobey the governing authorities for God’s higher moral law. Where else in the Scriptures is this principle taught? Hint (Exodus 1; Daniel 3, 6)
6. If you were living in the Ukraine today, what would you do?
Close your group with prayer asking God for wisdom and direction in how you are to approach the topic of war.
Taking it Home:
If you feel led, watch the movie Hacksaw Ridge and/or The Mission to see how some have dealt with war.
Memorize: Isaiah 1:16-17