Sermon Notes:
Should I go back to church IN PERSON, or should I continue watching online?
Should we start having in person Growth Group or Bible Study or should we keep meeting with Zoom? Or, is Hybrid a viable option?
I. God’s message to mankind is always personal!
II. Jesus expects us to be personal in the way we regard one another.
III. The characteristics of Fellowship
A. Fellowship revolves around the personal Presence of God. Acts 2:46-47
B. Fellowship reminds us we are not alone. Acts 2:44-45
C. It’s for our mutual encouragement. Acts 2:46-47
IV. Should I attend online or in person?
A. Assess your risks
B. Work with technology
C. Be gracious to others who differ
D. Go for courage, not convenience
E. Reach out to someone
Discussion Questions:
Icebreaker Question: In your opinion, why is personal connection necessary to a person’s mental health and emotional well-being?
1. Read Philippians 2:5-8. How different will the Gospel message be if Jesus had not personally come to earth as a man and instead just sent an angel to communicate His love for mankind? What did it cost Jesus for Him to personally deliver this Gospel message? How does that make you feel?
2. Read Acts 2:42-47. How did the believers demonstrate that they personally cared for one another? Make a list. How can we demonstrate personal care in a similar way in the church today?
3. A ministry of presence is when you make a difference in someone’s life by simply showing up and showing that you care. Why is it important that we do this on a regular basis? How have you recently reached out to someone and shown kindness? Or how has someone shown kindness to you?
4. How has God used technology to continue church ministry in the midst of the pandemic?
5. What are the advantages with attending church/Growth Group in person versus attending online? And vice versa.
6. Coming back to church in person is not a matter of if, but rather, when. What conditions do you think are necessary in order for it to be safe for people to come back to worship services in person? How much of those conditions been met?
7. What conditions do you think are necessary in order for it to be safe for people to come back to in person growth group meetings? How much of those conditions been met?
8. In what ways can we encourage church members to start inviting people to attend church for both in person and online?