Sermon Notes
1. Jesus teaches us in John 11 that death is not permanent.
2. Jesus teaches in John 11 that in Him the dead live and the living do not die!
3. John 11 shows us that Jesus understands our pain.
4. John 11 teaches us that when God says “no” to our prayers, He has a higher plan and purpose.
5. In John 11, Martha teaches us to still trust and believe in Jesus when He doesn’t do what we ask.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. As you read John 11:1-7, Jesus is down by Jericho and He receives a message that Lazarus is sick. What do you think Jesus means in verse 4 and why do you think He stayed so long before going to Bethany?
2. In John 11:7-16, Jesus tells the 12 we need to go back to Bethany and then He teaches them about the will of God in verse 9. What do you think His point is?
3. Why do you think Jesus refers to death as sleep in verses 11-15?
4. What does verse 16 reveal to you about the personality of Thomas?
5. As you read John 11:21-27, what do you learn about Martha from these verses?
6. Receiving a “no” answer from God to our prayers can be some of the most difficult times in our life; especially when it comes to life and death. How does Martha handle this time and how should this encourage us in our hard times?
7. The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept”. What does this verse reveal to you about the heart and nature of God?
8. When was the last time you experienced the nearness and empathy of God’s heart in your life?
9. Read John 11:25-26. How important are these words of Jesus in your life today and how do these words affect the way you live?
10. We read in Isaiah 55:8-9 that God’s ways are higher than ours. What do we read about God’s higher ways in Lazarus’ death in John 12:17-19 on Palm Sunday?
11. What event in your life do you just need to claim Isaiah 55:8-9 and trust in God, even though it makes no sense on this side of eternity?
Taking it Home:
Memorize Proverbs 3:5-6 and Isaiah 55:8-9. Pray these verses over your hardest times of God not answering your prayer with a “Yes”.
Pray for each other in your group that God would help all of you to see how powerful and important prayer is.