Sermon Notes:
What did Paul rethink during his three years in the desert?
1. He had to rethink the ____________________.
2. He had to rethink __________________.
3. He had to rethink _______________.
4. He had to rethink the _____________________________.
5. He had to rethink the _________________.
6. ___________________ the truth plus _______________ the truth equals a __________________________ life.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. In Acts 9, we read about the amazing conversion of Saul/Paul and his preaching Jesus in Damascus. In verse 26, it says that after this, he came to Jerusalem to seek out the Apostles. But in Galatians 1:17-19, we see that this happened after Paul spent 3 years in the desert of Arabia. Why do you think Paul entered into this season of isolation–disappearing from society? What do you think he did for these three years and what do you think he thought about? What do you think you would think about?
2. In Galatians 1:12, Paul says that between his conversion and meeting with the Apostles in Jerusalem, he received theological information– “revelation”– from Jesus. How do you think this happened and how often?
3. What do you think Jesus wanted Paul to know and relearn about God during this time?
4. Did you ever have a season in your life when you set aside a large amount of time and effort to think through the deeper issues of the Christian life? If so, when did you do this and how? What topics did you think through?
5. On Sunday, Pastor Frank said that we shouldn’t just do this once in our life, but many times in retreats and in our personal quiet times with Jesus. Did you ever experience a youth retreat in high school or college? If so, where did you go and how did it affect your Christian life?
6. How do you go about spending quiet time alone with Jesus in your daily life?
Taking it home:
Meditate on Colossians 1:15-20 and spend some time thinking through who Jesus really is.
Pray for God to help you in being disciplined to spend quality time with Him each day so that He can transform your life in Truth.