Sermon Notes:
1. His {Person} and {Essence} Never Changes
i) His {Love, Mercy and Compassion} Never Changes
ii) His {Justice) Never Changes
2. His {Purposes} Never Change
3. His {Promises} Never Change
4. The God Who {Never Changes} is Always {Effecting Change)
Follow-up questions from Sunday:
Quick Review
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. Without giving names, do you know someone who keeps changing their minds? Describe how that affects you?
2. Share what are some of the things that have changed for you lately. What are some things that have not changed?
3. Read Numbers 23:19 and 1 Samuel 15:29. Discuss in what ways you rely on God’s unchanging nature.
4. Read James 1:17 and James 1:2-8. Share how God’s unchanging nature has assisted you to have an unwavering faith in Him.
5. Share in what ways God has been changing you to be more like Jesus. Is there any evidence of that in your life?
6. How does the Immutability of God help you to live from day to day?
7. For further study and research on the subject – “Does God change His mind?” go to the link on YouTube –
Thank God for being unchanging. Ask Him to grow your faith, reveal His plans for you and help you live out His purpose for your life.