Sermon Notes:
1. The world is like a sheep pen, and only some of the sheep follow the shepherd’s voice and go out to pasture. (John 10:1-6)
2. Jesus is the Gate. He is uniquely the way to have the life for which we were created. (John 10:7-10)
3. Jesus is the Good Shepherd. His voice can be trusted because He gave His own life to lead you to the life you need. (John 10:11-15)
4. Jesus brings abundant life (John 10:10; see John 14:6). The life He offers is powerful and transformative. It is the life that comes from God. (John 9:30- 33)
Small Group Questions
Icebreaker: As a child, what was your favorite pet? How did your pet respond when it heard your voice?
1. When you read Jesus’ teaching in John 10:1-15, what do you think the sheep, shepherd, the sheep pen, and stranger represent?
2. In this section of Scripture, Jesus creates a word-picture to explain the kind of life He offers those who listen to His voice. He is both the gate (or door) to the sheep pen and also the Good Shepherd who gives His life for the sheep. What do these images mean to you and how can you listen to Jesus more carefully in 2025?
3. Read Psalm 23:1-4. How do these verses minister to you as you are the Lord’s sheep.
4. In our time, we have many voices speaking to us, telling us how to live and what to do. Read Philippians 4:8-9. What are some practical ways you can filter out voices that aren’t constructive and hear the Lord more clearly?
5. Read John 10:10. We find many descriptions in John’s gospel about the kind of abundant life Jesus offers. Read John 1:4; 3:14-15; 4:13-14. Each of these passages highlights a different aspect of that life. How would you explain the abundant life to someone who has heard of Jesus but doesn’t understand what He offers to people in today’s world?
Pray as a group for each other that we grow in our understanding of the Lord being our Good Shepherd, learning to listen clearly to His voice, and carefully following Him.