FollowUp 10-24-18

Message Title: Omnipresence:  The God Who Is There

Series Title: Knowing God

Key verses:

Psalms 139:1-24


Sermon Notes:

    1. God is present everywhere at the same time vs.7-11
    2. God is timeless. v.16, Rev. 22:13
    3. God is accessible to you all the time because He cares for you. vs.1-6, 13-18
    4. Because God is present with you, He will guide you and help you do what’s right. vs. 7-10
    5. We struggle with God’s omnipresence when we can’t feel Him.
    6. Because God is holy and cannot stand evil, man’s relationship with God was severed.
    7. Even though God is omnipresent, man still tries to hide from Him. vs. 11-12
    8. Man not only hides but also hates one another. vs. 19-22
      It’s when we see God’s holiness and Omni-qualities in contrast to our brokenness, do we see our need for redemption
    9. Even if we can’t feel God, we can still trust Him. vs.23-24


    Follow-up Questions from Sunday:

    Getting to Know You:
    What was the biggest crisis that you have gone through in recent times? How did you handle it?

    Or – What was the biggest crisis someone had confided in you about? How did you advise and help that person?

    Quick Review:
    Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


    Digging Deeper: A study of Psalm 139


    1. What do you worry about the most? Why?
    2. Read vs. 1-6. If God knows your every thought, every action, every word, and If God is watching out for you (v.5), why do Christians still experience fear and anxiety? Where does it come from?
    3. When a Christian backslides, the common response is to hide from God, especially if there’s a sin that’s hard to give up. In what ways do Christians try to hide from God? Read vs. 7-12. Why is hiding pointless according to King David?
    4. Read vs. 13-16. King David saw God’s creative design and purpose upon his life, even when he was a fetus in his mother’s womb. How do these verses prove that life begins at conception?
    5. Read vs. 17-18. King David’s worship and meditations on God’s attributes left him in awe and wonder of God greatness. How has this message series on God’s attributes drawn you closer to God?
    6. Read vs. 19-22. King David had an emotional episode that made him vent his most hateful feelings on God, and he did not see that as inappropriate. Why? What happens when we vent on people? Why is God a safe place to vent?
    7. Our emotions can be our biggest enemy when our negative emotions overwhelm us. It can also be our best friend when our positive emotions dominate our lives. The challenge is how to remain positive when bad things happen to us. Read vs. 22-24. How did King David remain positive despite suffering from all the traumas he has experienced? What spiritual disciplines do you practice that helps you to let God into your deepest emotional traumas? How has emotional healing taken place in your life?

    Taking it Home:
    What is one thing you can apply to your life from last Sunday’s message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?

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