Church Picnic 8/28/2016

Woodbridge Community Church will be hosting a picnic on August 28th. Come join us for food, fun, and games.

Pastor Frank Encourages Police And Civilians Alike: “We need to do good in this world…”

This week, Pastor Frank lead prayers uniting the police force and the citizens they protect under the banner of The Holy Spirit. The Orange County Register cover it:

A week after the killing of five police officers, civilians and religious leaders as well as police already are coming together in an effort to resolve the tension between many African Americans and law enforcement.

In a prayer thread ceremony at Christ Our Redeemer Church in Irvine on Thursday, Orange County sheriff’s deputies, Irvine police, elected officials, Jews, Muslims and Christians tied string around each other’s wrists and vowed to tie diverse communities together.

“It’s wrong for five police officers to die in Dallas,” the Rev. Mark Whitlock said. “It’s equally wrong for two men to die. We are here today to hold a love fest.”
-David Whiting, Orange County Register

Family Movie Night 7/22

Family Movie Night at Woodbridge Church!!

July 22nd at 7:00 pm at the church.

Come join us as we watch and discuss Risen.

Contact the church office for details. (949) 552-1101

Philippines Missions Trip

prayer calendar:
7/18, Mon: Pray for safe travel to the Philippines.
7/20, Wed: Pray for safe travel from Manila to Bacolod.
Pray for good health for the team & coordinators.
7/21, Thu: Pray that people’s lives will be touched in
7/21-24: Pray for each one’s strength, wisdom & sensitivity
to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Activities – house
building, VBS, counseling, worship. Pray that people
will be drawn to our Almighty God.
7/25, Mon: Pray for God’s travelling mercies as the team
leaves to Dumaguete visiting two iRC churches.
7/26, Tue: Pray for God’s protection as the team crosses via
ferry to Cebu to visit other iRC churches.
7/27, Wed: Pray for good weather as team flies to Manila.
7/28, Thu: Team will be in Payatas doing VBS & Games,
Feeding Program. Pray for the children to be receptive
of the Gospel and the Holy Spirit’s empowerment as we
share His Word.
Pray for the Medical & Dental Outreach Service.
Anticipating 150 people to get medical treatment & 50
patients for dental extractions. Pray that these people
will all hear the Gospel and accept Christ as their
Savior and Lord.
7/29, Fri: Pray for the team as they will do home visitations
while others will attend the children’s program on
Health & Nutrition.
7/30, Sat: Medical & Dental Outreach Service
7/31, Sun: Leadership Seminar for about 60 participating
fathers. Discipleship Seminar for about 100 Youth, ages
12-25. Please pray that God will speak to the hearts of
all the participants and that these seminars will
enlighten them and challenge them all the more to
follow Christ in their lives.
8/2, Mon: Pray for safe travel back to the U.S.

Amazing Race Family Camp

Please join us for this year’s Family Camp. It is a inspiring and life changing weekend for our families, as well as the whole church. As we enjoy the time away from our day-to-day activities, we are able to reconnect as a community. This weekend also provides opportunities for quiet time and reflection with the Lord, so we can strengthen our relationship with Him. Our theme this year is “The Amazing Race” and we will focus on 2 Timothy 4:7. We hope you can join us!

“I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, and I have remained faithful”

AUGUST 17-19 (youth)
AUGUST 19-21 (family/adults)
Venue: Forest Home

Cost per person for 2 nights & 5 meals :
>Adults: $166
>Children ages 9-11: $125
>Children ages 3-8: $91
>Youth (4 nights, 12 meals): $278

VISIT lobby table on Sundays after the Service for assistance/inquiry
Drop payment in the lobby table or church office
( Check payable to : WCC // Memo: Family Camp )

Family Movie Night 7/15

Family Movie Night at Woodbridge Church!!

July 15th at 7:00 pm at the church.

Come join us as we watch and discuss War Room.

Contact the church office for details. (949) 552-1101