A Walk Through the Last Week
of the Life of Christ and His
A Devotional Guide
Pastor Frank Winans
Woodbridge Community Church
5000 Barranca Parkway, Irvine, CA 92604 Tel. (949) 552-1101
This is a scriptural outline walking through the last week of the
life of Christ, leading toward His Death. It is designed to be a
devotional/scripture reading that you can use for your own
personal prayer time or for family/group devotions for this
Passion Week.
Day 1 Saturday (before Palm Sunday)
Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:6-13; Mark 14:3-9, John
Jesus is anointed by Mary (probably Lazarus’ sister). Jesus is
attending a dinner at the home of Simon (healed of leprosy by
Jesus) and Lazarus along with his family was there. The
perfume used had cost at least 300 denarii (about a year’s
wages). This act served as an anointing for burial; however, it is
doubtful that Mary understood that. To her it was an act of
Question to Ponder: From these passages, we see how much
Mary loved Jesus and how she expressed that love by anointing
His head and feet with costly perfume. How have you expressed
your love for Jesus lately, and how much has it cost you?
Day 2 Sunday (Palm Sunday) – The Triumphal Entry
Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:1-11, 14-17; Mark 11:1-11;
Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19
Morning – The Jews were excited about the entrance of Jesus
into the city for four reasons:
1. The recent raising of Lazarus renewed the hopes for a
2. It was the Passover, the time the Messiah was expected
to appear.
3. He was riding on a baby donkey, fulfilling the prophecy
(Zechariah 9:9).
4. He began the entry from the Mount of Olives, fulfilling
the prophecy of (Zechariah 14:4)
The people cried Hosanna, which means “save us”– as they
waved palm branches and laid them down before Jesus on His
way into the city.
Afternoon – He visits the Temple
Evening – Jesus returns to Bethany where He sleeps at the
house of Lazarus.
Question to Ponder: The people rejoiced because they thought
that Jesus was the One who would free them from the
oppressive Roman Rulers. They were so concerned for their
material needs they did not see their spiritual need for
forgiveness of sin, which is what Jesus came to fulfill. Can you
think of times when your need for material things diminish your
appreciation for the forgiveness of sin that Jesus gives?
Day 3 Monday
Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:12-19; Mark 11:12-18; Luke
-Morning – He enters Jerusalem and curses the fig tree. This is
symbolic of Israel not producing fruit in season. As a result it
will shrivel and die.
-Mid-morning – He cleanses the temple by driving out the
money changers.
-Evening – He is back to Bethany.
Question to Ponder: Jesus is so concerned for the salvation of
mankind that He curses the fig tree, symbolic of His judgment
on Israel, for failing to be God’s agent of salvation to mankind,
and also drives out the moneychangers, because they were
hindering people from worshipping God in the temple. We are
to be a light to the world, pointing people to Jesus. Can you
think of ways by which you can be a light to people around
Day 4 Tuesday
Scripture Reading: Matthew 21:23-ch 26; Mark 11:27-12:37;
Luke 20:1-47
-Morning – He goes to the temple where He has a dialogue with
the Chief Priest and religious leaders that lasts all day.
-Evening – Olivet discourse (Matthew 24-25:46; Mark 13:1-37;
Luke 21:5-36)
This is right after the long theological debate between Jesus and
the rulers of the city. On the way back to Bethany, the disciples
and Jesus stop on the Mount of Olives and look back on the
city. Jesus’ focus here is on the future.
Questions to Ponder: Jesus had harsh words for the religious
leaders because their responsibility was to lead people to God,
but instead they were a stumbling block that hindered people
from finding God. Can you think of ways by which religious
leaders today are leading people away from God? How can you
be a light that could bring people to God?
Day 5: Wednesday
Scripture Reading: Matthew 26:1-16; Mark 14:1-11; Luke
21:37- 22: 1-6
It is believed that Jesus didn’t go into the city this day.
However, Judas slips back into the city and agrees to betray
Questions to Ponder: The Chief Priest and the teachers of the
law were obsessed with killing Jesus because they were so
insecure. Jesus was getting so popular with the people and they
saw Him as a threat to their power and authority. What are the
things in our lives that cause us insecurity? How does that
hinder our spiritual effectiveness?
Day 6 Thursday
Scripture Reading:
Morning – Matthew 26:17-19; Mark 14:12-16; Luke 22:7-13
Jesus sends the disciples to make arrangements for their
Passover meal.
Evening – Matthew 26:20-35; Mark 14:17-31; Luke 14-40;
John 13- 18
The Passover meal of the Last Supper. The order of the events
that night probably happened like this:
1. Washing disciples’ feet. John 13:1-5
2. Eating the Passover meal.
3. Identifying Judas as the betrayer, after which he left.
4. Institution of the Lord’s Supper.
5. Message in the Upper Room.
6. Message on the way to Gethsemane.
7. Jesus prays all night while the disciples have a hard time
staying awake.
8. Betrayal and arrest in Gethsemane.
3:00 am – Arrested and Forsaken (Matthew 26:47-56; Mark
14:43-52; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:2-12)
Questions to Ponder: Jesus was preparing for the most
difficult but the most crucial part of His mission on Earth – His
Death and Resurrection. How did Jesus prepare His disciples
spiritually for the difficult times ahead of them? How is the
Lord preparing you to be spiritually effective for Him?
Day 7 Friday
Scripture Reading:
Early morning
1. Trial before Annas, ex-High Priest (John 18:13-24)
– Peter denies the Lord for the first time.
2. Trial before Caiaphas, High Priest (Matthew 26:57-75;
Mark 14:53-72; Luke 22:54-65; John 18:25-27)
– Peter denies the Lord for the second and third time.
3. Trial before the entire Sanhedrin (Matthew 27:1; Mark
15:1a; Luke 22:66-71)
4. Trial before Pilate (Matthew 27:2; Mark 15:1b-5; Luke
23:1-5; John 18:28-38)
5. Trial before Herod Antipas (Luke 23:6-12)
6. 2nd Trial before Pilate (Matthew 27:15-26; Mark 15:6-
15; Luke 23:13-25; John 18:39- 19:16)
By 9:00am
Jesus is flogged, scourged, and crucified. (Matthew 27:27-56;
Mark 15:16-41; Luke 23:26-49; John 19:17-30)
By 3:00pm
Jesus pays it!!! He is later buried. (Matthew 27:57-66; Mark
15:42-47; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:31-42)
Questions to Ponder: Jesus paid the ultimate price for our sins
– with His life! Our lives are so precious to Him that He was
willing to give up His life for ours. True love is measured by the
extent of what a person is willing to give up because of that
love. How much do you really love Jesus? What have you
given up for Him?
Day 8 Saturday
Scripture Reading: Luke 23:48
Question to Ponder: What was it like to spend a day in utter
The Resurrection and Ascension of Christ
This is a probable scriptural outline walking through the
resurrection Sunday to Jesus’ ascension into heaven. It is also
designed to be a devotional/scripture reading that you can use
for your own personal prayer time or for family/group
The empty tomb.
1. The tomb visited by the women. (Matthew 28:1-8; Mark
16:1-8; Luke 24:1-8; John 20:1)
Early in the morning on the first day of the week (Sunday) after
Passover, these women wanted to visit the tomb of Jesus and
properly prepare His body for burial.
Matthew and Mark record only the spokesman of the two angels
that Luke records. They were there to bear testimony to the
fulfilled words of Jesus. There appeared to be multiple angelic
appearances that morning outside the tomb and inside.
Question to Ponder: From these passages, we see the
conflicting emotions of the women, they came looking for a
dead man, thought his body was stolen, and ending up seeing
angels. If you were there with these women what do you think
your thoughts would have been?
2. The tomb found to be empty by Peter and John. (Luke
24:12; John 20:2-10)
The women still thought Jesus’ body was stolen. Their story of
what happened seemed like rattling “nonsense,” but Peter and
John went to investigate. John outran Peter and got there first
but did not go in. Peter went in first.
Question to Ponder: Since there was no angles at the tomb for
Peter and John, what variety of thoughts and emotions do you
think they were going through at this time? What do you think
would have been going through your head?
Post Resurrection Appearances:
1. Mary Magdalene. (Mark 16:9-11; John 20:11-18)
Apparently, Mary ran after Peter and John and came into the
tomb after they left. That morning she was the first person to
see Jesus alive!
Question to Ponder: When you read these scriptures, we see
that Mary is alone at the tomb for the first time that morning
and Jesus comes to her. Why don’t you think she recognized
Him at first? When Mary finally realized He is alive she grabs
Him, possibly hugs Him. How long do you think she did this
until Jesus told her to stop? If He didn’t finally push her away
how long do you think she would have hugged Him, all day?
How long do you think you would have hugged Him for?
2. Other Women. (Mark 16:12-13; Matthew 28:9-10)
After Mary Magdalene left the women with the disciples and
ran after Peter and John, the women also left the hiding
disciples in Jerusalem and were visited by Jesus!
Question to Ponder: Though it is not recorded in Scripture,
how do you think this happened and what do you think Jesus
said to them and what do you think there response was?
3. Peter. (Luke 24:34; 1 Corinthians 15:5)
Apparently, Jesus appeared to Peter alone sometime in the
afternoon on this day. Interesting, this appearance is not
described in any detail.
Question to Ponder: How do you think this happened and
what do you think Jesus said to Peter?
4. Two disciples on the road to Emmaus. (Mark 16:12-13;
Luke 24:13-35)
Emmaus was about 7 miles west of Jerusalem and it was
believed that this happened late in the afternoon on Sunday.
These disciples were Cleopas (vs 18) and possibly his wife if
this is the same as in John 19:25.
Maybe in the breaking of the bread they saw the nail prints and
awakens their recollection. At any rate, the resurrected Jesus is
somehow different than the earthly Jesus, and a combination of
faith and the will of God in revealing Jesus are necessary to
recognizing Him.
5. Ten disciples in Jerusalem. (Luke 24:36-49;
John 20:19-25)
This happened sometime Sunday evening and apparently
Thomas left after the two arrived from Emmaus.
Question to Ponder: What do you think was the mood and the
discussions going on in that room before Jesus arrived? Peter,
Mary and the women have all seen Jesus and then the two
disciples from Emmaus show up and say they have seen him.
Why do you think Thomas finally got up and left? What do you
think was going through his mind? When Jesus appeared to
them in that room, what do you think was the expression on all
their faces? Why do you think He asked them for something to
eat and what do you think Jesus’ countenance was like as He ate
in front of them? What do you think was the most amazing part
of His teachings to them that night?
6. Eleven disciples in Jerusalem. (John 20:26-31)
This happens one week later with Thomas finally being present.
Thomas’ skepticism turned to one of the most profound
declarations of Jesus’ Deity in scripture. The factuality of
Jesus’ resurrection finally elicited the recognition that Jesus was
indeed God!
Question to Ponder: How do you think Thomas felt that
whole week being the only one who didn’t see Jesus alive?
Why do you think he stuck to his skepticism all the way to the
7. Seven disciples in Galilee while fishing. (John 21:1-25)
Having earlier been told to go to the Sea of Galilee and wait for
Jesus, Peter decides to go fishing and some of them join him
and they catch nothing. Early in the morning Jesus appears to
them from the shore asking if they have any fish and then
performs the same miracle that He did when He first called
Question to Ponder: Why do you think Jesus publicly had
Peter confess Jesus 3 times in front of all the disciples? Why do
you think it is such a big deal to Jesus that not deny Him to
8. Eleven disciples in Galilee. (Matthew 28: 16-20; Mark
Question to Ponder: What mountain do you think Jesus had
them go to? Sermon on the Mount, Mount Tabor where He was
possibly transfigured or Pastor Frank’s favorite place in Galilee
Mount Arbel with the pretty views of the Sea of Galilee?
9. James His half-brother. (1 Corinthians 15:7)
Question to Ponder: This is only mentioned in Scripture once
with little detail. Where do you think Jesus did this and what do
you think Jesus said to his little half-brother? It is interesting to
see how James became one of the most influential people in the
early church and wrote the first book of the New Testament!
10. Last appearance to the disciple in Jerusalem.
(Luke 24:44-49; Acts 1:3-8)
Jesus had an extended post-resurrection ministry of 40 days;
during that time he related the Old Testament Scriptures to
Himself; and prepared them for the coming of the Holy Spirit
and their future worldwide ministry.
Christ’s Ascension. (Mark 16:19-20; Luke 24:50-53; Acts 1:9-
Jesus led the disciples out of the eastern gate, past the garden of
Gethsemane with its tragic memories, up the familiar slope
toward the beloved Mount of Olives. Jesus was giving a parting
blessing to His disciples when suddenly He ascended up in a
cloud and heaven beyond. Two angels appeared, giving them
assurance that He will return in like manner, even as Jesus had
said of Himself.
The same disciples, once fearful, cowardly and without
understanding, when confronted with Jesus’ resurrection,
ascension, and filled with the Holy Spirit were transformed.
They were rejoicing, preaching the gospel and praising God.
May we be also.