In an effort to prepare for the church opening, the following guidelines have been established to determine who is safe to come to church, and who is recommended to stay at home. Included below are conditions essential for a safe worship service:

  1. Who are we recommending to stay home?
     Children 2 years old and below.
     Those with underlying health conditions (comorbidities).
     Those with symptoms of sickness – fever, cough, colds, etc.
  2. Who do we recommend to proceed with caution?  Senior Citizens 65 and above.
  3. Who do we allow to come to church?
     Those in relatively good health.
     Those with no symptoms of sickness or illness.
     Those willing to abide by the guidelines for safe distancing and sanitation protocols.  Elementary school age children and above (we expect parents to explain guidelines).
  4. General guidelines while on WCC premises:
    1. Bring and wear your personal mask at all times on the premises (if you don’t bring a mask,one will be provided).
    2. Maintain safe distancing. Floor markers are available.
    3. No congregating in public areas – courtyard, lobby, restrooms.
    4. No physical contact – waving is OK.
    5. Families will be seated together.
    6. Seating every 3 seats, and every other row.
    7. Follow the flow of people as directed; from the entrance, to seating, to exit. Ushers willguide the people flow.
    8. We will ask the congregation to pre-register at our website, so people are aware theguidelines and seating procedure, and enable us know who are coming. Pre-register at the church website the number of people in your party/family. This includes people who may be living in your home, but not a member of your immediate family. All must certify to no underlying conditions, not at risk, no illness – cough, colds, or fever. Pre-registration is highly recommended, but we will do our best to accommodate everyone, whether pre- registered or not. We recommend people to come at least 30 minutes before the start of the service.
    9. Your temperature will be taken as you enter.
    10. Use Hand sanitizer and wash your hands often (touchless hand sanitizers available).
    11. Seating assignment will be issued at the entrance registration table.
    12. Bring your own water and coffee
  5. Please take note of new procedures:
    1. Bulletin – will be given together with your seating assignment.
    2. Offering – several offering boxes will be strategically placed throughout the church.
    3. Communion – individually sealed communion elements will be used
  6. People flow:

1. There will be 2 lines corresponding to the 2 double doors at the main entrance.

  1. Fill-up first floor seats first, and then the balcony. If needed, Bldg B will also be available. Rows will be blocked off, color-coded and seats will be numbered.
  2. Seating assignment will be assigned at the table at the door.
  1. Seating Procedure:
    1. Aisles for seating – between section 1 & 2, and section 3 & 4 groups (color code)
    2. If need to leave/go to restroom:
      •   Section 2 & 3 pass center aisle, 1 & 4 pass outer aisles.
      •   Section 2 &3, go forward, to front, head to outer aisle, enter the usher’s room to exitthe bldg. Head to the restrooms.
      •   Section 1 simply head to outer aisle and follow the same path.
      •   Section 4, go through back exit door Barranca side, exit and go around the building,enter through the side entrance to restroom. To return, go the same way you entered the building. Go directly to the registration table and inform them you already have a seat.
    3. When first floor is full, the people flow continues to the balcony – follow the same process as first floor people flow.
    4. Right entrance goes to the lobby stairs.
    5. Left entrance goes to the right side entrance (near restroom).
  2. Ushers needed:
    1. Traffic maintained in restroom, only 5 people at a time.
    2. Restroom corridor entrance.
    3. Directing seating and flow of people.