FollowUp 8-3-17

Message Title: Gideon
Series: Heavenly Heroes

Key verses: Heb 11:1-2, 6, 32-34

Sermon Notes:

1. God sees us as people of potential, people with a future, and people for who we are in Him!
Judges 6:12
2. Gideon was a heavenly hero who struggled with his identity before God.
3. Gideon was a heavenly hero that struggled between faith and fear. Judges 6:27,36-40, 7:10
4. To be a mighty worrier for God you have to stand for God. Judges 6-7
5. God is patient with our faith journeys. Judges 6:36-40

Follow-up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: When were you most afraid in following God but did it anyway?

1. Read Judges 6:11-12. Has God ever declared something true in your life that you struggle with like forgiveness, being a child of God, or His love for you? What is it and how have you dealt with it?
2. Read Judges 6:36-40 and Matt 4:6-8. Jesus instructs us not to put God to a test, but Gideon tested God several times to make sure he understood God’s message. How is the test that Jesus describes (to show how important he was to the Father) different from the tests that Gideon put God through?
2.       Read Judges 6:12-13. Have you ever wondered about God’s promises when things go wrong in your life? Read Judges 6:14-16. Does the Lord give an explanation to Gideon as to why things have gone so badly for Israel? What does He do instead? How can we apply this insight when we go through difficult times?
3.       Read Daniel 9:11-14. Daniel prays to ask God to keep his promise to end Israel’s 70 years of captivity. Who brought Israel into captivity? Whose fault was it, according to Daniel? Compare this to what Gideon says in Judges 6:13. Are there times when we blame God for the consequences of our sin? Why do we do that? Now read Daniel 9:17-19. What should our posture be before God in light of our mistakes?
4.       Read Judges 7:2 and 1 Cor. 1:26-31. Why does God work through weakness rather than worldly strength? What does He want everyone to know about Him? What does this tell us about our approach to ministry, if we seek to be people that are used powerfully in His service?
5. Read Heb 11:32-34. Has God turned some of your weaknesses to strengths in your life?
If so, which ones and how?
6. When you read the life of Gideon, how does he encourage you on your faith journey?

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