Sermon notes:
1. Pray with discernment
2. Love deeply
3. Offer hospitality
4. Use your spiritual gifts
5. Do God’s work in God’s power for God’s glory.
6. If nothing is too low for Jesus, nothing is too low for us.
7. A life of greatness is a life of service.
Looking back on last Sunday’s message and your notes, what was the most memorable part for you?
Digging Deeper:
1. How would you define the word “service?” When was a time when someone did an extraordinary act of sacrificial service for you?
2. Read 1 Peter 4:7-11. What does it look like to have a servant’s heart?
3. What are valid obstacles to serving others? What are invalid reasons why we don’t serve others?
4. Read Romans 12:3-8; 1 Corinthians 12:4-10; and Ephesians 4:11- 13. What are your spiritual gifts? Why is it important to use our spiritual gifts?
5. How can you use your spiritual gifts on Sunday when the church meets and during your small group? How can you use them at work, at school, with your family, with friends, and normal day-to-day life to show people Jesus’ love?
6. Pray over each other that each may know their spiritual gifts, be empowered to use their spiritual gifts, for opportunities to use them, and for the courage to use them.
7. (If you have more time) Read John 13:1-17. What do you find astounding about this passage? Do you have the heart of a servant? In which ways do you see it and in what ways is there room for improvement?