I. What does God care about?
A. God cares about me
B. God cares about everybody
II. Why should we care about what God cares about?
A. It’s what Jesus came to earth for: to seek and save the lost Matthew 6:19-20
B. There is no greater purpose in life than sharing the gospel Mark 8:35-37
III. What happens if we don’t care about what God cares about?
A. You’re turning your back on an opportunity of a lifetime
B. We allow distractions to clutter our lives and our schedules
IV. What happens when we start caring about the things God cares about?
A. Revival happens!
B. People make commitments to follow Jesus
V. What should we do now?
A. Pray for God to give you strength and courage
B. Pray for new friends
C. Pray for revival
Questions: Points to ponder
Read Luke 15:1-10 and discuss following questions:
A. What prompted Jesus to tell these 2 parables? In terms of perspectives, what did the Pharisees and scribes see, and what did Jesus see?
B. Parables usually have one main point. What is the main point of these two parables? (Clue: As religious leaders, what is the main difference between Jesus and the Pharisees in terms of motives?)
C. Read v. 7 and 10. The lost sheep and coin represent lost people. What are the eternal and spiritual implication(s) and/or result(s) when the lost is found?
D. What can we learn from Jesus regarding how he feels towards sinners? (Clue: How important was the sheep to the shepherd/coin to the woman?)
E. How do you feel toward people who do not believe in Jesus? How does that align with how Jesus feels?
Application questions:
F. What makes it hard for you to share your faith? (Fear? Not knowing what to say? Afraid of rejection?)
G. Have you ever had an opportunity to share the gospel but didn’t? What held you back?
H. Have you ever shared the gospel with someone? How did it go?
Action Point:
1. Make an Impact List. This is a list of people you can specifically pray for and make a strategic and intentional effort to invite to church. Use the Invite Cards (located at the Church seat pocket in the Worship Center).
2. List down ways by which your growth group can help in welcoming visitors and newcomers. Here are some suggestions
– Join the greeter team! Inform Pastor Vince if you’d like to join this ministry
– During the Worship Service, scope your area and try to spot a new person. As you exit the church, invite them to get food in the courtyard. While there, introduce them to other people in church.
Remember: People are not looking for a friendly church. They are looking for a friend.
Prayer: Lord, help me be bold this year and be an ambassador for Jesus to others!