Clay Cranford
Civil Servant Sunday
Verses used:
Mathew 12:18-20, Isaiah 42:1-7
Civil Servant Sunday
Getting to Know You:
Share a time when you were helped by a police officer, fire fighter, or a person in the medical community.
Quick Review:
Looking back from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
- Read Mathew 12:18-20, Isaiah 42:1-7. Last week, we at our church honored the civil servants of the fire department, medical, and law enforcement communities. In some Scriptures the title and ministry of the Messiah is described as a “Servant”. As you read Isaiah 42, what captures your attention in this Messianic text? What do you think are the key verses?
- In what ways do you think Jesus has fulfilled this picture of “God’s Servant” in His first coming? What does He still have to fulfill in His second coming?
- Share in your group your definition of justice and mercy
- Read Micah 6:8. How does this verse speak to your heart? What do you think it means to “act justly”, “love mercy”, and “walk humbly with your God”? How have you seen these character qualities developed in your life as you’ve been following Jesus? Of these three qualities which one is the hardest for you to do?
- Police officers, fire fighters, and people of the medical community are seen as professional servants of justice and mercy. As followers of Jesus, how can we encourage our civil servants as they continue to uphold justice and provide mercy in our communities?
- How do you see God using you and this church as servants of His justice and mercy in this city and around the world?
Taking it Home:
What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week? Spend some time praying for the civil servants–that God would continue to give them courage, strength, and peace in their hearts as they serve and protect us.