Sermon Notes
1. There is a time when we need to fight in the midst of our fears.
2. Faith requires courage and courage requires action.
3. Sometimes God fights our battles.
4. Sometimes God fights with us in our battles.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. Read aloud Judges 4:1-7. Last Sunday Pastor Frank mentioned that during the period of the Judges, Israel went through cycles of turning away from God, suffering oppression, crying out to the Lord, and being delivered by God through a human agent. In Judges 4, the human agent is a woman named Deborah. What qualities do you imagine Deborah had in her that drew people to her at this time? Who would you say are some of the godliest women you have ever met? What was it about them that you admired the most?
2. Read aloud Judges 4:6-10. In vs. 6, we read that Deborah wasn’t just a godly woman, but a prophetess that spoke on behalf of God. When Barak said he wouldn’t obey unless Deborah went with him, what do you think this says about his character? Why do you think he insisted on having Deborah go with him?
3. Read aloud Judges 4:11-14. What do you think was going through Barak’s mind when Deborah said to leave the safe defensible position of Mt Tabor and attack Sisera on the flat plains? What would you have thought? What do you think would have been your first reaction?
4. When was the last time you pressed through your fears and fought for what you know you had to do?
5. What do you think happens to people that don’t ever fight in the presence of their fears? Have you ever met people that are like this?
6. Read aloud Judges 4:15-16. In these verses, who does it say it was that defeated Sisera and his army?
7. Last Sunday, Pastor Frank mentioned that sometimes God fights our battles for us and sometimes God fights our battles with us. Why do you think this is? What battles do you think God has fought for you? What and when was the biggest battle you fought in life when you sensed Him with you? Please share.
Close your group with prayer. Pray for one another and for God’s help as you seek to live unafraid and “fight” for what is important.
Taking it Home:
Read Judges 5 and how Deborah and Barak wrote a song of God’s faithfulness in this great battle. If you were to write a song to God what would it say?