Sermon Notes:
1. To experience God in your life, God needs to be at the center of your life.
2. The word hate means to hold in relative disregard.
3. Putting God at the center of our life is a daily battle.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday’s topic:
Looking back on last Sunday’s message and your notes, what was the most meaningful part for you?
Digging Deeper:
1. In your reading of Experiencing God Unit Two Day One, what was the most impactful part for you? What did you underline and why? Read John 12:23-25. Why do you think it’s so important to God that we are willing to commit our lives to Him?
2. In Day Two, what did you underline and why? What would you say was the most impactful for you? Why do you think it’s more important to find out God’s plans instead of asking him to bless yours?
3. In Day Three, what did you underline and why? What would you say was the most impactful and why? Read Philippians 2:13. What do you think this verse means?
4. In Day Four, what did you underline and why? What would you say was the most impactful for you and why? When would you say was the last time God spoke to you? How did He do it?
5. In Day Five, what did you underline and why? What would you say was the most impactful and why? How would you say God has changed your character since first becoming a Christian? How about in the last year?
Memory verse:
Share our memory verse with each other in your group.