Sermon Notes:
1. Jesus teaches us to be good citizens, pay taxes, obey the laws.
2. A part of being a good citizen in this country is voting.
3. A part of being a good citizen in this country is to educate yourself on the issues.
4. Jesus calls us to be involved in the political process, but not to be consumed by it.
a. Flee from envy, strife, factions, divisions, disunity
b. Pursue the qualities of Christ’s Kingdom.
c. Fight the good fight.
Small Group Questions
Icebreaker: Do you have a voting story? Share the best or worst experiences you’ve ever had in getting to the polls.
1. Do you think it is good to pay taxes? How do you feel about paying taxes?
2. Read Matthew 17:24-27. How would you describe what is going on in this section of Scripture?
3. According to Exodus 30:11-16, what is the Temple tax and who was required to pay it?
4. What was Jesus’ reasoning why He should not be required to pay the Temple tax? What does this reveal about His identity?
5. What lesson was Jesus teaching Peter by paying the tax anyway?
6. What does Jesus teach us about paying taxes in Mark 12:17?
7. According to 1 Peter 2:13-15, how should we behave as citizens of the country we are living in? Why do you think this is so important to God that we do this?
8. Pastor Frank said in his sermon on Sunday that we are to be informed, vote, but not to be overly consumed by American politics and to keep our eyes on eternal things (1 Timothy 6:11-12). Do you think he is right? What do you think is the danger of a Christian becoming overly consumed in American politics?
Something to think about this week…
“Let each citizen remember at the moment he is offering his vote that he is executing one of the most solemn trusts in human society for which he is accountable to God and his country”– Samuel Adams
Pray as a group for our country and that we as followers of Jesus will represent Him well in this season.