Sermon Notes
Why be devoted to prayer?
1. Prayer is the means by which God gets His will done on earth.
2. Prayer cannot change the nature of God, but prayer is used by God to implement His will to change people and things.
3. Prayer is not a means to get our will done in heaven, but it is a means by which God gets His will done on earth!
4. God loves it when we pray with a thankful spirit.
5. When we pray specifically and God answers specifically, He gets the glory!
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. If someone was to ask you, “What is prayer?” what would you say? How does Jeremiah 29:12 help us with this question?
2. Read Colossians 1:9-12; 4:2-4. What does Paul specifically pray for when he thinks of the new believers at Colossae; and what does he specifically ask them to pray for? Why do you think it’s important to pray for things specifically?
3. Read Colossians 4:1; Philippians 4:6. Why do you think it is so important to have a thankful heart when you pray to God?
4. Read Colossians 4:7-18. What names do you recognize in this list? What do you think this list says about the network of people God was using to bring the message of Jesus to the 1st century world? How would you describe the network of people God is using in our church today?
Taking it Home:
Have a walk down memory lane and thank God for all the things He has done in your life starting with your childhood to now. Think of places you have lived & people He has brought into your life. etc.