Sermon Notes:
Learning from Jesus on how to witness.
1. Effective evangelism always starts with a burden. (John 4:4)
2. In effective evangelism, you always need to know your audience. (John 4:22)
3. Asking questions is an effective tool in evangelism. (John 4:7,10,)
Follow-up Questions from Sunday’s Message:
Intro question:
When you are really thirsty what do you like to drink the most?
Digging Deeper:
1. What was the one thing that most stood out to you from the message on Sunday?
2. When you read John 4:3-9, how would you describe the racial, cultural, & moral differences between Jesus and this Samaritan woman?
3. When you picture this woman’s background and upbringing, what do you think is her story?
4. When you read John 4:10-13, Jesus breaks every cultural norm and begins talking to this woman and drawing her into a spiritual discussion using Jacob’s Well/the water as a starting point? What do you think are good starting points we can use to begin spiritual discussions with people today?
5. What “wells” do people drink from today that ultimately leave them still thirsty inside? What were some of these “wells” in your life’s journey?
6. Why do you think Jesus changes the topic of conversation so abruptly to the Samaritan woman’s personal life in John 4:16-18? What do you think he was trying to get her to understand?
7. In John 4:19-30, a life changing moment happens in this woman’s life as she realizes she is talking to more than a prophet– the promised Messiah that brings salvation and eternal life.
8. What are some principles we can learn from Jesus from this section of Scripture to help us in sharing the hope of Jesus with others?
Taking it Home:
What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message?
Thought to meditate on for the week:
Charles Spurgeon:
“The Holy Spirit will first move them by moving you. If you can rest without them being saved, they will rest too. But if you are filled with an agony for them, if you cannot bear that they should be lost, you will soon find that they are uneasy too.”