Sermon Notes:
1. Why do some New Year’s Resolutions fail?
2. I will be love-focused, not fear driven.
3. I will surrender my emotions to God.
4. I will not sweat the small stuff.
5. I will take responsibility for what I can change, and accept what I cannot.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday’s message
Looking back on last Sunday’s message and your notes, what was the most significant thought that spoke to you?
Digging Deeper:
1. In what ways can New Year’s Resolutions fail? In what ways can it succeed?
2. Read 1John 4:16b-19. In what way (or ways) is fear the opposite of love?
3. How can fear lead to all other forms of negative emotion (i.e. hatred, anger, anxiety, irritation, worry, frustration, despair, discouragement, etc.)
4. Read Philippians 4:6-7. How does prayer change our emotions from anxiety to peace?
5. Read Philippians 3:13-14. Much of our anxiety and frustration is caused by facing a past we cannot change and a future we cannot control. How does Apostle Paul face this?
Something to think about this week…
True or False:
“The truth will set you free, but first it will make you miserable.”
– James A. Garfield, President of the United States
When is it true? When is it false?