Sermon Notes:
1. Miracles are always for the ultimate purpose of belief in Jesus. (John 5:36; John 10:37-38)
2. Miracles are always done by the sovereign will of God. (John 5:19)
3. God heals to glorify Himself and His Son. (Luke 5:24-26; John 11:4; Luke 17:17-18)
4. Jesus’ healing ministry is motivated by His compassion and mercy. (Matthew 14:13-14; Mark 1:41-42, 9:22)
5. When God heals it brings encouragement to His church. (1 Corinthians 12:7; 1 Corinthians14:12)
6. God calls for His people in the church to seek out the leaders with their request for healing. (James 5:13-16)
7. All miracles done in the Bible and around the world today are through the power of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 1:8)
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. On Sunday, Pastor Frank said that the Christian Faith is an intelligent, provable, reasonable faith. In what ways do you see that this is true?
2. Pastor Frank also said that the Christian faith is a supernatural faith. In what ways do you see that this is true?
3. According to John 5:31-36, what two testimonies does Jesus say are evidence that He is the Messiah sent from God the Father?
4. Read John 10:37-38. What is Jesus saying is the purpose of the miracles He is performing?
5. What miracles of Christianity most encourage you in your faith in Jesus?
6. How are we to biblically understand miracles and healings and apply them to our belief system today and to our lives?
7. How do you think the message on Sunday helps us in answering this? What mysteries do you think are still to be understood on this topic?
8. Have you ever seen a miracle? Is so, please share with your group.
Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you today with power to be a witness to the world around you.
A theological truth to meditate on according to the message on Sunday:
“According to the principle of John 5:19 God decides who gets healed and directs his servants accordingly. It is our responsibility to listen for those directions and follow them, rather than to determine who gets healed.”