Pastor Frank Winans
Woodbridge Sermons
Verses used:
Matthew 9:35-38
Praying for the Harvesters
Sermon Notes:
- Harvest means “it’s ready”
What do the harvesters need prayer for?
- That we will have the eyes and heart of Jesus. Matthew 9:35-36
- For confidence and Ephesians 6:19, Acts 4:29-31
- For opportunity. Colossians 4:2-3
- For Colossians 4:4
- For 2 Thessalonians 3:1
- For 2 Thessalonians 3:2
- Heaven is a prepared place for prepared people.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday’s Message:
Getting to Know You:
What is your favorite plant-based food?
Quick Review:
Looking back on last Sunday’s message and your notes, what was the most meaningful part for you?
Digging Deeper:
- As a group, read Matthew 9:35-38. What do these verses teach us about Jesus?
- What do you think is the best and the worst motivation to share Jesus and why?
- Read Ephesians 6:19-20. Are you surprised that Paul would have people pray for him in this manner? Why or why not? Have you ever prayed for yourself in this manner or had someone pray for you in this way? Why or why not?
- Why are many Christians reluctant to share their faith? What is your biggest struggle?
- Read 1 Corinthians 3:5-9. What do these verses teach us about God’s job description and ours in sharing the Good News of Jesus? How does this make you feel?
- Read Matthew 9:35-38 again. How would you describe the “harvest fields” of our society today? In what ways would you say people are harassed/distressed, helpless, lost in our world today? When you think about this, how does it make you feel?
- What does the harvest look like around you? Who is in your life right now that doesn’t know Jesus? Ask the Holy Spirit to bring to your mind people in your personal harvest field that need Christ. As you think of names, write them down and pray for them. Using the sermon notes and the verses of Sunday’s message, pray as well for yourself, the harvester.
Names of people:
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Taking it Home:
Memorize Matthew 9:36
Prayer request:
Pray for your group this week that they would have the eyes, heart, and courage to share Jesus with people.