Sermon Notes:
Hezekiah dealt with his fear by:
1. Praying and planning. (2 Chronicles 32:1-3,20)
2. Identifying the lies. (Isaiah 36:18-20, 37:14, 2 Kings 19:14-19)
a. False
b. Evidence
c. Appearing
d. Real
3. Seeking wise counsel. (2 Kings 19:20)
4. Trusting and obeying God. (2 Chronicles 32:7-8)
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. Read aloud 2 Kings 18:1-7. What do you learn about the heart of Hezekiah from these verses?
2. Verses 5-6 seem to be a “summing up of his life” like words that would be put on a tombstone. At the end of your life, what do you want people to say about your life and what you lived for?
3. Read aloud 2 Chronicles 32:1-5. In these verses, it says that King Hezekiah planned/consulted with other leaders about the coming invasion. They rebuilt the walls, built weapons, and secured water for the city with building the now famous Hezekiah’s tunnel. We also read in verse 32:20 that the king prayed. When people go through hard times they tend to lean more in the praying camp or the planning/preparing camp? Which one are you? Why do you think it’s important to have both?
4. Read aloud 2 Kings 19:14-19. The King of Assyria sent a letter to Hezekiah telling him to surrender and not to rely on God. Hezekiah took the letter and presented it to the Lord at the temple and in his prayers he identified the lies of the letter. Yes, the king of Assyria defeated these other people and their gods, but they weren’t the one true God! Hezekiah was able to identify the lies in the midst of his fears/troubles. How good do you think you are at identifying misinformation in the midst of your fears? Why do you think this is important? What do you think happens to people if they can’t do this?
5. We read in Scripture that King Hezekiah had a close friend in the Prophet Isaiah who spoke into his life at critical times. Who have been some of the people God has placed in your life to speak into your life at critical times? How has God used you to be there for others? How does this make you feel?
6. Read aloud 2 Chronicles 32:7-8. What do these verses say to you about the person of King Hezekiah? As he trusted and obeyed God in fearful times, what are some of the things you feel that God is asking you to trust Him in for your life at this time?
Close your group with prayer. Pray for one another and for God’s help as you seek to live unafraid and fully trusting Him for your life.
Taking it Home:
If you want to read more about how bad Hezekiah’s dad was and what an amazing leader he was, read 2 Chronicles chapters 28-32.