Sermon Notes:
1. Our King is a servant. (Philippians 2:3-9)
2. In the heart of God is the desire to give, forgive, and to serve. (Philippians 2:3-9)
3. God calls us to learn servanthood. (John 13:12-17)
a. Serving blesses you.
b. Serving blesses others.
c. Serving each other blesses God’s Mission.
4. Serving may not always be fun, but it is fulfilling.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Digging Deeper:
1. Read John 13:1-17. What captures your attention as you read this chapter? How does God speak to you in this chapter?
2. Read John 13:6-10 again. If you were Peter, would you have reacted the same way as he did. Why or why not?
3. It was customary for the people’s dusty, sandaled feet to be washed by the lowest ranking servant in the house. How does Jesus challenge their understanding of authority and servanthood? How does Jesus challenge your thinking in these areas?
4. In sermon note #2, it was stated that in the heart of God is the desire to give, forgive, and serve. How have you experienced this in your spiritual journey?
5. Do you have a hard time serving others? If you could give yourself a grade as a servant, what grade would you give yourself? How do you think your family or friends would grade you?
6. In John 13:17, Jesus says that we would be blessed if we learn and practice servanthood in our lives. How have you experienced this to be true in your life?
7. Pastor Frank challenged us to be intentional in looking for ways to serve others this week. How have you been doing with this challenge?
Taking it Home:
Read and meditate on Philippians 2:3-5 this week. Pray and ask God to help you learn servanthood as you journey in your relationship with Jesus.