Sermon Notes:
In the parable what makes the rich man a fool in the eyes of God?
1. The rich man is selfish.
2. The rich man is materialistic.
3. The rich man is all about pleasure.
Jesus teaches that:
4. A fool is a person who makes choices as if God doesn’t exist and who lives as if God hasn’t spoken.
5. Being rich towards God is using our wealth to advance eternal values.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday’s Message:
Looking back on last Sunday’s message and your notes, what was the most meaningful part for you?
Digging Deeper:
1. Read Luke 12:1-13. What were the topics that Jesus was trying to teach His disciples in these verses? Would you say they were deep and serious? What was on the mind of the man who interrupted Jesus? What were his motives, intentions, and goals?
2. Read Luke 12:13-21. What did Jesus teach this man and us about wealth and things?
3. Read Ecclesiastes 5:10. Why do people who have wealth often keep trying to accumulate even more? For most people, how much is enough? Why do you think materialism doesn’t satisfy people at their deepest level?
4. How can we, as Christians, protect ourselves and our families from the influences of greed and materialism? What spiritual disciplines can we practice to help us focus on the values of God’s Kingdom?
5. After He tells the parable of the rich fool, Jesus tells his disciples not to worry about their lives – what they will eat, or what they will wear (Luke 12:22-23). How much time do you spend worrying about finances? What has the Lord shown you (or what do you need Him to show you) to help you cast your burdens on Him?
6. Read Proverbs 3:9-10; 1 Timothy 6:17-19: How are Christians of wealth directed to live out their lives and be rich toward God? Who have you personally seen live this out in their lives?
Taking it Home:
Spend some time this week with Jesus reflecting on your journey of approaching the meaning and purpose of things and wealth. Where have you grown and where do you still need to learn?