Sermon Notes:
1. Having a spirit of thankfulness is a part of God’s will for your life.
2. Remembering your blessings and being thankful to God is a spiritual discipline.
3. Thankfulness has the power to change our attitude.
4. What everyday things are you most thankful to God for?
a. ___________________
b. ___________________
c. ___________________
d. ___________________
5. Who has God put in your life that you are most thankful to Him for?
a. ____________________
b. ____________________
c. _____________________
d. _____________________
6. What spiritual things are you most thankful to God for–that Jesus has done in your life?
a. _____________________
b. ______________________
c. ______________________
d. _____________________
7. What circumstantial things has God done lately in your life that you are most thankful for?
a. _____________________
b. _____________________
c. _____________________
d. ______________________
Follow-up Questions from Sunday’s Message:
Digging Deeper:
1. When you read Psalm 103 1-5, who is King David talking to and what is he thankful for?
2. When you look at your life, what are some of the benefits and blessings from God that you are thankful to Him for?
3. On a scale of one to ten with ten being highest, how would you rate yourself as a thankful person? What are you most thankful for? What are some things in your life that you feel you need to be more thankful for?
4. As you read the rest of Psalm 103, what themes and verses most speak to you? How can this psalm encourage you in your journey of being a more thankful person?
Taking it Home:
Spend some time reflecting on your life and all of God’s blessings that He has poured upon you and be grateful. A grateful heart is a heart open to love and to God.
Prayer of General Thanksgiving
Almighty God, Our merciful and gracious Father in heaven, we are so unworthy of Your blessings, but give You our most humble and heartfelt thanks for all Your goodness and lovingkindness. We praise You for creating us, sustaining us, and blessing us beyond measure. Most of all, we thank You for Your immeasurable love in redeeming us, lavishing us with Your grace, and giving us the hope of glory in our Lord Jesus Christ. Give us such a deep sense of all Your mercies, that we may be truly thankful and praise You not only with our lips, but with our lives, by giving up ourselves to Your service, and by walking before You in holiness and righteousness all our days. To You be all honor and glory forever, through Jesus Christ, our Lord, by the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen.