Sermon Notes:
1. Biblical wisdom is the application of Biblical knowledge.
2. Being double-minded is doubting in God and the goodness of God.
3. Rock people hear the words of Jesus and build on them.
4. Sand people hear the words of Jesus and don’t build on them.
5. Everybody builds their life on something.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. Who would you say is the person that has most influenced your life in how you see the world and how you choose to live in the world? What would you say are your reasons for listening to this person?
2. How would you describe what wisdom is? If you were to ask God for wisdom today, what would it be for?
3. Read James 1:5-8. What do you think it means to be “double-minded”? How do you think a person can avoid being double-minded?
4. Read James 1:19-27. How many times do you see the word “listen”? What do you think is James’ main point of this section of Scripture?
5. What similarities do you see between James’ teaching in this section of Scripture and Jesus’ teaching in Matthew 7:24-27?
6. In what area of your life could you do a better job at applying God’s Word, rather than merely listening to it?
Close your group with prayer, asking the Lord to give us wisdom for our daily lives in these unique days we’re living.
Taking it home:
Memorize James 1:19-20