Sermon Notes:
Four tactics the enemy uses to keep you from the life God wants for you:
1. The first tactic is ridicule. The battle is waged in our minds
(Nehemiah 4:1-6)
2. The second tactic is the threat of physical harm or loss
(Nehemiah 4:7-23)
3. The third tactic is division. Worldly values (including the love of money) divide us
(Nehemiah 5:1-19)
4. The fourth tactic is slander and discreditation. Leaders have a target on their backs
(Nehemiah 6:1-19)
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. Read Ephesians 6:10-17. Why is Paul’s depiction of the Christian life a critical reminder? Have there been times you’ve felt like you were in a battle? If so, did some pieces of armor particularly help you respond to the enemy’s attack?
2. In Nehemiah 4:1-3, the enemies of Israel ridicule their efforts. Some of the attacks are personal, others relate to their work and faith. Which of these have been used to discourage you in the past? How has God strengthened you when you’ve doubted yourself?
3. Read Nehemiah 4:19-20. One of the tactics Nehemiah employed was to sound a trumpet if there was a weak point in the wall under attack, so that people could gather to provide a defense. How can this same concept (i.e., sounding an alarm at the point where we’re weakest) help us when we struggle? How can we effectively implement this strategy in our lives?
4. Read Nehemiah 5:14-18. Nehemiah not only implemented a plan to bring fairness and generosity between God’s people, he demonstrated those values in his own life. What does this say about his character? How can you adopt this strategy in your own life?
5. Read Nehemiah 6:9. This verse summarizes much of the enemy’s attack on Nehemiah and his people, as well as his response. What is the relationship between the nature of the enemy’s attack and Nehemiah’s response? How can short and targeted prayers be an asset in your daily battle?
Close your group with prayer, asking the Lord to give us wisdom for our daily lives in these unique days we’re living.