Sermon Notes:
1. A parable is often defined as an earthly story with a heavenly meaning
2. The key to interpreting Parables is usually it has only one main point
3. The key to finding the main point is context
4. Jesus was challenging the stereotypes of his day
5. The Lawyer wanted to limit the definition of neighbor
6. Compassion is a key characteristic of a Citizen of God’s Kingdom.
7. How to be a good neighbor
a. Do not hate your enemies
b. Agree to disagree with respect.
c. Learn to listen, while maintaining your biblical beliefs
d. Show compassion to those in need.
e. Trust in the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of people
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Icebreaker Question:
If you were the good Samaritan and Vladimir Putin was the man attacked by robbers, would you help him? (There’s no wrong or right answer here. It just depends upon the assumed context.)
Digging Deeper:
1. Read Lk 10:25-37. As you read this section of scripture what are your impressions of Jesus as a teacher?
2. Last Sundays message pointed out that Jesus was the greatest and most influential teacher that has ever lived and that He taught some of His most powerful teachings in Parables. What do you think is Jesus main point in this parable? What did the good Samaritan do that made him good neighbor?
3. Society often puts label on people and categorize them as “good guys” and “bad guys” depending upon whether we agree with them or not. Why do you think this is so? Is this a good or bad, or it depends? Explain.
4. In verse 36, Jesus asked who was the neighbor of the man attacked by robbers. He did not ask “Who is the neighbor of the good Samaritan?’ Why do you think that is so?
5. According to Jesus teaching, who is “your neighbor” that He wants you to show love and compassion on? Why do you think this is so hard to do sometimes?
6. What do you think is the difference between having compassion and love for a person and agreeing with their beliefs? What do you think would this look like in our lives today as followers of Jesus with regards to those who do not agree with our biblical beliefs?
7. When you hear about how our church shows compassion in mission work how does it make you feel? What acts of compassion can you possibly get involved in?
8. How do you think this teaching from Jesus has impacted the world over the last two thousand years? How has it (or should it) impact the way we live today?
9. Who has been a Good Samaritan in your life? How have you been a good Samaritan in someone else’s life?
Taking it Home:
What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?