Sermon Notes:
1. To take the yoke of Jesus on your life means to come under His authority.
2. In the 1st century, a disciple was a learner of a great leader or teacher.
3. Jesus’ form of discipleship is not primarily about study, but also service.
In Jesus’ discipleship model:
4. He calls us.
5. The goal is to become like Him.
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
1. As you read aloud Matthew 11:28-30, what do you think Jesus was/is asking people to do?
2. As Pastor Frank unpacked the concept of discipleship in the 1st century on Sunday, what was going on in your mind? Why do you think it is important to interpret Scripture in the culture and context it was written? What do you think are some of the dangers of not doing this?
3. In Matthew 11:28 Jesus says “Come”. When did you first understand Jesus’ invitation for you to “Come to Him” with your life? How did that happen? How often do you experience this invitation? How often do you think we should?
4. In Matthew 11:29, Jesus says to “take his yoke” of authority upon your life. When did you first understand this concept of what Jesus was asking of you? How do you practically apply this to your life today?
5. In Matthew 11:29, Jesus says to “learn from Him”. What things do you think Jesus wants you to learn from Him?
6. What things has Jesus taught you about eternal life? What things has Jesus taught you about practical life? What one thing do you think He is teaching you in this season of your life?
7. Many believe the “burden” Jesus was talking about was related to the spiritual burden that the religious leaders of the day were putting on people. As you look at the world today, what spiritual burdens do people carry in other religious traditions that are put on them by other spiritual leaders?
8. What do you think Jesus would say to these “burdens” and how is His yoke “easier and lighter”?
Close your group with prayer and spend some time thanking Jesus for carrying the burden of our salvation on His shoulders! Thank Him for being “gentle and humble in heart”!
Taking it Home:
Spend some time studying the “Biblical Interpretation Graph” Pastor Frank showed on Sunday, and use it to practice with some of your favorite passages of the Scriptures.