FollowUp 6-6-18
Message Title: Raising Lazarus
Series: Signs
Key verse:
John 11
Sermon Notes
Signs are designed to communicate. This seventh sign tells us that:
- God’s will comes before ours. (Jn 11:9)
- Jesus understands our pain. (Jn 11:35)
- In Jesus, the dead live and the living do not die! (Jn 11:25-26)
- Some people will reject Jesus to the end. (Jn 11:47-50)
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Getting to Know You:
When was the last time you attended a funeral? Have you ever had the experience of attending a Christian and an non-Christian funeral? If so what was the difference?
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
- Read Jn 11:9-11. What do you think Jesus was trying to teach his disciples in this analogy?
- Read Jn 11: 14-16. Have you, like Thomas, ever felt Jesus was calling you to do something very risky or dangerous? If so, what was it and how did it turn out?
- Read Jn 11:21-27, What do you learn about Martha from the way she talks to Jesus in these verses?
- Have you ever experienced a time in your life when God surprised you by not answering your prayer in the way you expected Him to, but in the end He answered it way beyond your expectations? What did this experience teach you about God?
- The shortest verse in the Bible is “Jesus wept”. What does this verse reveal to you about the heart and nature of God?
- When was the last time you experienced the nearness and empathy of God’s heart in your life?
- Read Jn 11:25-26. How important are these words of Jesus in your life today and how do these words effect the way you live?
- Read Jn 11:47-50. What are the chief concerns of the leaders with Jesus performing this seventh sign? How much money and power do you think the religious leaders receive from the temple? Where do you see this attitude being played out today?
Taking it Home:
What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?