FollowUp 8-22-17
Message Title: David and Goliath
Series: Heavenly Heroes
Key verses: Heb 11: 32-34, 1 Sam 17:45-49
Sermon Notes:
Learning from a man after God’s own heart:
- David doesn’t just see in the physical realm; he sees in the spiritual realm.
- David doesn’t just see a giant, but a man taunting God.
- David knew where the battle was and wasn’t.
- David’s courage is rooted in remembering God’s faithfulness in past battles.
- David knew that this fight wasn’t about him, but about God.
Follow-up questions from Sunday:
Icebreaker question: Who was the tallest person that you have ever met and what did you feel like standing next to them?
- Read 1 Samuel 17:45-4. David realized that his battle with Goliath was of a higher reality. Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you realized that what was happening was more spiritual than just physical? Please share.
- Read 1 Samuel 17:28-30. David’s older brother was trying to get in a fight with David over his motives for being there and in verse 30 it says that David turned away. Have you ever experienced a time in your life when you were being drawn into a situation that wasn’t worth fighting for, but instead was a distraction to more important matters? Please share. Have you ever seen this happen in a church? Please share.
- Read 1 Sam. 12: 24. What is Samuel’s advice to the people of Israel? Now read 1 Sam. 17:37. How was Samuel’s teaching applied in David’s life? How can this principle be applied in your life?
- Read Ps 27:1. David wrote these words which came from a lifetime of trusting in God. Now read Ps. 27: 14. What is the most difficult situation for you to trust God in– the way that David suggests?
- Many people in ancient times rode into battle to make a great name for themselves. Read 1 Sam 17:45-47. Why did David want to see the Philistine struck down? What does this reveal about his heart? How did God honor that in his life? What can God do in your life if you can make the same resolution?