FollowUp 1-18-17
Message Title: Shipwreck: To avoid shipwreck we need a compass!
Series: Shipwreck
Key verses:
1 Timothy 1:18-19, Psalm 119:105, Romans 10:17
Sermon Notes:
1. The Bible is a Library of 66 books written between 1,450 BC to 90 AD.
2. The Bible was written by over 40 different people on 3 different continents in 3 different languages.
3. The writers of the Bible were kings, statesman, priests, prophets, a tax collector, physician, a tentmaker, a fisherman.
4. Miraculously they produced a set of writings that is a marvelous unity in its doctrine, historical viewpoints, ethics, and expectations.
5. Throughout these 1,500 years there is a consistent view of God, man, sin, salvation, a coming Messiah, and a Kingdom.
6. The Scriptures and the Savior are inner linked!
7. The word of God builds faith.
8. The Word of God guides faith.
How do you allow the Word of God to guide you?
9. You have to Believe it works.
10. You have to allow it to sink into the core of your heart.
11. You have to seek its course.