Pastor Frank

FollowUp 1-18-17

Message Title: Shipwreck: To avoid shipwreck we need a compass!
Series: Shipwreck

Key verses:
1 Timothy 1:18-19, Psalm 119:105, Romans 10:17

Sermon Notes:

1. The Bible is a Library of 66 books written between 1,450 BC to 90 AD.
2. The Bible was written by over 40 different people on 3 different continents in 3 different languages.
3. The writers of the Bible were kings, statesman, priests, prophets, a tax collector, physician, a tentmaker, a fisherman.
4. Miraculously they produced a set of writings that is a marvelous unity in its doctrine, historical viewpoints, ethics, and expectations.
5. Throughout these 1,500 years there is a consistent view of God, man, sin, salvation, a coming Messiah, and a Kingdom.
6. The Scriptures and the Savior are inner linked!
7. The word of God builds faith.
8. The Word of God guides faith.

How do you allow the Word of God to guide you?

9. You have to Believe it works.
10. You have to allow it to sink into the core of your heart.
11. You have to seek its course.

FollowUp 1-11-17

Message Title: Shipwreck: Keeping our Faith Off the Rocks!
Series: Shipwreck

Key verses:
1 Timothy 1:18-19

Sermon Notes:
1. Ephesus was a strategic place but also a difficult place to minister.
2. I Timothy is a letter of encouragement and instruction from Paul to Timothy.
3. In 1 Timothy Paul compares a person’s faith to a ship.
4. Paul lived through a literal shipwreck.
5. Paul saw a lot of spiritual shipwrecks.

FollowUp 12-21-16

Message Title: The Fearless Man of God
Series: Fearless
Key verses:
2 Timothy 1:7 New King James Version (NKJV)
For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Matt 1:20 New International Version (NIV)
But while he thought about these things, behold, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take to you Mary your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit.”

Sermon Notes:

Characteristics of the Fearless Man of God:

1. He is not afraid of what others think of him.
2. He will leave his comfort zone to obey the Lord
3. He’s willing to take the hit for those he loves

FollowUp 12-13-16

Message Title: Mary, a FEARLESS young woman
Series: Fearless

Key verses:
2 Timothy 1:7New King James Version (NKJV)
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.

Luke 1:26-38New International Version (NIV)
38 “I am the Lord’s servant,” Mary answered. “May your word to me be fulfilled.” Then the angel left her.

Sermon Notes:

1. God’s interruptions are really invitations to something greater.
2. God’s interruptions usually take us out of our comfort zone but don’t be afraid, His Spirit of power is with us.
3. God’s Powerful Spirit fell on Mary, Elizabeth, and God’s Spirit is in you!
4. You are more then you know.

FollowUp 12-07-16

Message Title: Fearless
Series: Fearless

Key verses:
2 Timothy 1:7New King James Version (NKJV)
7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.
Acts 1:8New International Version (NIV)
8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Romans 8:11New International Version (NIV)
11 And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of[a] his Spirit who lives in you.

Sermon Notes:

1. When God asks us to do something and step out of our comfort zone we usually experience some kind of fear.
2. The whole Christmas event is surrounded by God moving and His people being afraid of what He is asking them to do!
3. God has not given you a Spirit of fear to run from the battle.
4. power….bold
5. love……loving
6. sound mind…..sensible

FollowUp 11-29-16

Message Title: Giving thanks for W.C.C.

Key verses:
2 Thess 1:3, 2 Cor 9:5-12
Sermon Notes:

1. It matters to God how we treat people in authority. (Rom 13)
2. It matters to God how we honor Him with our money. (Mk12:41-44)
3. God has used your generosity this last year!
4. God blesses you so that you can bless others. (Lk 6:38. 2 Cor 9:6)
5. When you give to God you are laying up treasures in heaven. (1 Tim 6:17-19)

FollowUp 11-23-16

Message Title: To Caesar What Is Caesar’s
Series: In God We Trust

Verses used: Romans 13:1- 7; John 19:11; Jeremiah 25:8-9; Matt 22:18-2; 1 Peter 2:10-17; John 18:36; Acts 5:27-29; Daniel 3:28

Key verses: Matt 22:21; Romans 13:1-7; 1 Pet 2:13-17

Sermon Notes:


1. As far as we can, we are to submit to the ruling authorities.

a) We should submit to the ruling authorities because God is sovereign over human government.

b) We should submit because human government has a purpose in God’s plan – to bring punishment against those who do wrong.

c) We should submit because offering others what they are owed is the right thing to do.

d) We should submit because we are servants of God and people are ready to criticize our message.

e) We should submit because we are foreigners and exiles on this earth, passing through as we await the coming kingdom of our Lord and Savior.

2. When the ruling authorities directly contradict what God requires of us, we must obey God.

a) We must spread the gospel even if it’s forbidden.

b) We must worship our God, and refuse to worship something or someone else.

c) We must refuse to participate in actions which are a violation of God’s expressed will.

FollowUp 11-16-16

Message Title: Kingdom Focus
Series: In God We Trust

Verses used:
Psalm 20:7, Isaiah 26:4, Psalm 118:8-9, 1 Timothy 6:4-5, 11-16

Key verses:
1 Timothy 6:11-12New International Version (NIV)
11 But you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness. 12 Fight the good fight of the faith. Take hold of the eternal life to which you were called when you made your good confession in the presence of many witnesses.

Sermon Notes:

1. Flee from all of this division.
2. Pursue the qualities of Christ’s Kingdom.
3. Fight the good fight.
4. Take hold of what He has done for you.

FollowUp 11-09-16

Message Title: In God We Trust
Series: In God We Trust

Key verses:
Psalm 9:10
Those who know your name trust in you, for you, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek you.
Psalm 20:7
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.
Psalm 22:4
In you our ancestors put their trust; they trusted and you delivered them.
Psalm 22:5
To you they cried out and were saved; in you they trusted and were not put to shame.

Psalm 118:8-9New International Version (NIV)
8 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in humans.
9 It is better to take refuge in the LORD
than to trust in princes.

Isaiah 26:4New American Standard Bible (NASB)
4 “Trust in the LORD forever,
For in GOD the LORD, we have an everlasting Rock.

2 Corinthians 1:9New American Standard Bible (NASB)
9 indeed, we had the sentence of death within ourselves so that we would not trust in ourselves, but in God who raises the dead;

Sermon Notes:

6 things to remember this election as followers of Jesus.
1. No matter who wins, Jesus remains King. (1 Tim 6:15-16)
2. Voting in this country is not just a privilege but a responsibility.
3. As a follower of Jesus be informed, be prayerful, vote your conscience.
4. Be civil. (Mt 5:9)
5. Pray for those running. (1 Tim 2:1-4)
6. Love God. love people. (Mk 12:31-32)

FollowUp 11-02-16

Message Title: Wisdom from the book of Job
Series: Respect the Beard

Key verses:
Job 1:8-11New International Version (NIV)
8 Then the LORD said to Satan, “Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.”
9 “Does Job fear God for nothing?” Satan replied. 10 “Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land. 11 But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face.
Job 1:20-21 New American Standard Bible (NASB)
20 Then Job arose and tore his robe and shaved his head, and he fell to the ground and worshiped. 21 He said,
“Naked I came from my mother’s womb,
And naked I shall return there.
The LORD gave and the LORD has taken away.
Blessed be the name of the LORD.”

Sermon Notes:

1. Sin equals suffering

2. Righteousness equals success

3. This is known as simple wisdom.

4. Job is known in the scriptures as an example of complex wisdom.

5. The book of Job is about a battle in heaven over motives.

6. The wise person will love and trust God in spite of the severe ups and downs of life.