Pastor Frank

FollowUp 10-05-16

Message Title: Love and Wisdom
Series: Respect the Beard

Verses used: Song of Solomon 2:3-7,3:5, 8:4, Prov 5:1-23

Key verses:
Song of Solomon 2:7, Prov 5:18

Sermon Notes:

1. It is better to learn and live than live and learn.

2. Song of Solomon is a picture of pure marital love that speaks openly and joyfully of human sexuality.

3. Song of Solomon provides a model for how a husband and wife were to feel toward one another and how they could express their feelings.

The warning label of Song of Solomon is:
4. Do not awaken love until it’s time. (2:7; 3:5; 8:4)
5. God’s laws are not restrictive but protective!
6. God values our human sexuality
7. God protects our human sexuality in the confines of marriage
8. God tells us to protect our marriages.

Something to think about this week…

Martin Luther said of sexual temptation, “We can’t do anything about the birds flying over our head, but we can prevent them from building a nest in our hair.”

FollowUp 9-28-16

Series: Respect the Beard
Message Title: How Sticky Are You? Wisdom and True Friendship

How Sticky Are You? Wisdom and True Friendship

Verses used:Proverbs 17:17; 18:24; 14:20; 12:15; 27:5-6, 9; 28:23;

27:17; 13:20; 12:26; 22:24-25; 16:29; 1 Cor. 15:33; Ps. 26:4-5; Phil.

3:17; John 15:13

Key verse:Proverbs 18:24; John 15:13

Sermon Notes:

I. A friend sticks close.

II. A friend tells you what you need to hear, not what you want to hear.
Why we avoid transparency:

1. We are afraid of rejection.
2. We don’t want to be hurt.
3. We don’t want to meddle in people’s lives or have them meddle in ours.

III. A friend will lead you to Christ

FollowUp 9-21-16

Series: Respect the Beard
Message Title: Wisdom Begins with God

Verses used: Prov 1:7, Prov 9:1, Ecc 1:1-3, Ecc 12:13-14,
Ps 19:1-2, Heb 1:1-2, Jn 17:3, Ecc 2:1-11, Mt 7:24-27

Key verse: Ecclesiastes 1:1-3, 12:13-14

Sermon Notes:

1. All mankind has some degree of the knowledge of God.
2. Creation give us a general revelation/knowledge of the existence of God. (Ps 91:1-2)
3. All mankind does not have specific knowledge/revelation of God.
4. Specific knowledge of our creator is the greatest knowledge that we could ever have.
5. Ecclesiastes uses the phrase “under the sun” 29 times.
6. Ecclesiastes uses the phrase “vanity” (NIV, NASB)`empty: vapor “meaningless” 36 times.
7. Wisdom begins with the knowledge and understanding of God.

FollowUp 9-14-16

Series: Respect the Beard
Message Title: The Freedom of Choices

Mid-Week 9/14/16 from Woodbridge Community Church on Vimeo.

Verses used: Isa 1:16-18, Prov 16:3, 20:29, Job 12:12
Prov 2:1-8, Gen 1:27, 2 Cor 5:17-19

Key verse: Isaiah 1:16-18 (NASB)

Sermon Notes:

1. Wisdom is the application of knowledge.
2. The opposite of wisdom is foolishness.
3. To be made in the image of God means that we are moral, free, beings, with the ability of thought reason and choice.
4. It is good to be free, but freedom makes evil possible.
5. The origin of evil is in the misuse of freedom.
6. Free beings are held morally responsible for their choices.

A Change of Heart

The Key Verses in this week’s message is as follows:

Jonah 3:4-6 (NIV)

4 Then Jonah began to go through the city one day’s walk; and he cried out and said, “Yet forty days and Nineveh will be overthrown.”

5 Then the people of Nineveh believed in God; and they called a fast and put on sackcloth from the greatest to the least of them. 6 When the word reached the king of Nineveh, he arose from his throne, laid aside his robe from him, covered himself with sackcloth and sat on the ashes.

Hitting the Bottom and a Humbled Heart

The Key Verse in this week’s message is as follows:

Jonah 2:2 (NIV)

2 He said,

“I called out of my distress to the Lord,
And He answered me.
I cried for help from the depth of Sheol;
You heard my voice.

Hearts in Conflict

The Key Verses in this week’s message is as follows:

Jonah 1:1-3 (NIV)

1 The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.”

3 But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord.

The Importance of the Heart

The Key Verses in this week’s message are as follows:

Matt 15:17-20 (NIV)

17 “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? 18 But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. 19 For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. 20 These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

Jonah 1:1-3 (NIV)

1 The word of the Lord came to Jonah son of Amittai: 2 “Go to the great city of Nineveh and preach against it, because its wickedness has come up before me.”

3 But Jonah ran away from the Lord and headed for Tarshish. He went down to Joppa, where he found a ship bound for that port. After paying the fare, he went aboard and sailed for Tarshish to flee from the Lord.

How Much Do You Love Jesus?

The Verses Used in this week’s message are as follows: John 21:15-19

The Key Verse in this week’s message is as follows: John 21:17

John 21:17 (NIV)

The third time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter was hurt because Jesus asked him the third time, “Do you love me?” He said, “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” Jesus said, “Feed my sheep.