FollowUp 1-17-18

Message Title:  Work

Series: Boot Camp

Key verses:  Col 3:23-24

Sermon Notes:

What does God say about work in the Bible?

  1. God worked and He is still at work. (Gen 1:1, 2:1-2, Jn 5:17)
  2. God created us to work. (Gen 2:15, 3:17-19)
  3. To be idle and unwilling to work is a sin. (2 Thess 3:6-12)
  4. From our work, we should save money and bless others. (Eph 4:28)
  5. How we work should be a witness to the world. (1 Thess 4:9-12)


Why should we be a blessing in the work place?

  1. We work for God. (Col 3:23-24)
  2. Work is a divine calling.


Follow up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: Who was the best boss you ever worked for and why?


  1. Share one thing that captured your attention from the message on Sunday. What do you think is God’s intention for us to work? When did you first realize that work is a part of God’s purpose for our lives?
  2. How do you think Jesus learned his work ethic? Who was the most influential person in your life that impacted your work ethic?
  3. In Genesis, we read that God worked in Creation and that He liked His work. What makes a good day of work for you?  What things need to take place for you to say that you had a good work day?
  4. Read 1 Thess 4:9-12. What word or phrase captures your attention in these verses?  How can “minding your own business” in the work place make a person a better employee?  Have you ever experienced an employee that didn’t do this?  What was the impact of that person in the work environment?
  5. The Scriptures say that being a hard worker is a good witness in the work place. Have you ever seen this happen before?  Please explain.
  6. What are some practical ways we all can be a blessing to others at work?
  7. Read Col 3:23-24. As you read this Scripture, what words jump out at you?  How do you think applying these verses could change the way you approach work in a practical way?  How do you think applying this verse should affect the quality of your work?  Besides Jesus, who do you think is the best example of this work ethic in your experience?
  8. Read John 5:17.  If God never retires from work, then what does this say to us?
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