FollowUp 10-2-18
Message Title: The Unchanging God In A Changing World
Series Title: Knowing God
Key verses:
Malachi 3:6; Hebrews 13: 8; James 1:17; Numbers 23:19; 1 Samuel 15:29
Sermon Notes:
- . His {person} and {essence} never changes
- i) his {holiness} never changes
- ii) his {love, mercy and compassion} never changes
iii) his {justice) never changes
- His {purposes} never change
- His {promises} never change
- The God who {never changes} is always {effecting change}
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Getting to Know You:
When did you have the most dirt or mud on you and how did it happen? If you were a kid what did your parents have you do?
Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?Digging Deeper:
1. Have you ever been in a relationship when the person changed from better to worse? How did you cope with that? Would you trust them again?- How do you feel being in a relationship with a God Who does not change?
- Have you ever experienced a time when it appeared that God had changed His mind? How did you explain that?
- In what ways has God been changing you to be more like Jesus? Is there any evidence of that in your life?
- Do you believe that God keeps His promises? Has God ever failed you? If so, when?
- What is your favorite promise in the Bible? Why?
- In John 16:33 God makes a promise. What does that mean to you?
- What does the promises in Joshua 1:5 and Romans 8:38 really mean to you? How does that make you feel?
Taking it Home:
What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?