Pastor Frank

FollowUp 8-28-18

Message Title: Conquerors That Are Still Fighting, Part 2


Key verses:

Eph 6:10-17


Sermon Notes:

The Spiritual Armor for victory.

  1. The “helmet of salvation“.
  2. The “sword of the Spirit (Word of God)
    1. This refers to speaking God’s Word.

What does Jesus teach us about his time in the wilderness?

  1. There is power in speaking God’s Word into our life
  2. Our lives are first spiritual and then physical.


Follow-up Questions from Sunday:


Getting to Know You:

What is the longest you have ever gone without eating?  How does hunger affects you?


Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


Digging Deeper:


  1. Read Ephesians 6:10-17. What piece of spiritual armor has been the most critical for your life lately and why?
  2. Read John 10:27-30. How do these verses relate to the importance of the “helmet of salvation”?
  3. According to these verses who protects our salvation in Christ? When you read these verses how do they make you feel and why?
  4. Read Mt 4:1-11. How does Jesus inspire you in this section of Scripture?


Taking it Home:

What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?

FollowUp 8-21-18

Message Title: Conquerors That Are Still Fighting




Key verses:

Eph 6:10-17


Sermon Notes

  1. The “spiritual armor” for victory.
    1. Courage is the attitude of spiritual victory.


    1. The “belt of truth”:
      1. Truth of salvation (Eph 1:13)
      2. Truth that comes from following (Eph 4:41)


    1. The “breastplate of righteousness”:
      1. This stands for an uprightness of integrity of character.
      2. This flows from Christ’s righteousness in us.
    2. “Shoes of good news”
    3. The shield of



    Follow-up Questions from Sunday:

    Getting to Know You:

    When you were growing up, what were some of your favorite dress up costumes?


    Quick Review:
    Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


    Digging Deeper:


    1. Read Eph 6:10-17. What piece of spiritual armor do you do you need the most in your life right now and why?
    2. How many times does Paul use the word “stand” in this section of Scripture? Why do you think he does this?  When was the last time you had to take the courage to stand as a follower of Jesus?
    3. Paul describes the belt as truth. How important do you think truth is in your faith in Jesus? Please share? How important do you think truth is in living your daily life? Please share.
    4. There is an old saying, “If Satan can get you to believe a lie, he can control your life”. Do you believe this is true?  How have you seen this happen in a person’s life?  Your life?
    5. How would you describe your “breastplate of righteousness” in your life right now?
    6. Who was the one that wore the “shoes of the gospel of peace” that brought you to Jesus?
    7. How do you utilize the “shield of faith”? Describe some fiery darts from the evil one that could weaken your faith.
    8. The shield was used to lock with others to form a wall of protection. Who have been some of the most meaningful people you have locked your shield of faith with?

    Taking it Home:

    What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?

FollowUp 8-14-18

Message Title: More Than A Survivor: Be Strong and Courageous

Series: Romans 8



Key verses:

Joshua 1:1-9


Sermon Notes

  1. What is Christian Courage?
    1. It’s the willingness to say and do the right thing regardless of the earthly cost.
    2. It’s the God-given ability to take risks with the knowledge of God’s abiding presence.
  2. When will we need this Courage?
    1. Human Opposition
    2. Spiritual Oppression
  3. How do we get this Courage?
    1. Obedience – the Courageous Christian is the one who walks in obedience to God’s Word
    2. Daily Meditation – it’s the disciplined and prayerful reading, understanding reflection and applying God’s Word in all of life’s situations
  4. What is the secret to be more than a survivor?
    1. Remaining or Abiding in Christ


Getting to Know You:

What challenging situations are you dealing with at present that require courage to obey God?

Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?

Digging Deeper:

  1. Have you meditated on God’s Word today? What is God saying to you in your circumstance?
  2. Why does meditation on God’s Word play such an important role in your life?
  3. Do you agree that most people have some kind of fear? What about you? Name one or two things in your life that make you fearful. How does that affect your decision-making?
  4. Why do you think the Lord so strongly emphasized the commandment “be strong and courageous?”
  5. How does God help us not to be fearful or intimidated? What difference does mentioning His presence make?
  6. How can you encourage others to courageously obey God despite the difficult circumstances in their lives?


Taking it Home:

What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message, and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?

FollowUp 8-7-18

Message Title:Conquering Through Everlasting Love

Series: Romans 8



Key verses:
Romans 8:31-39


Sermon Notes:

The good news of who we are in Christ:

  1. We are not under condemnation (Rom 8:1)
  2. We live under a new law of relationship in the Holy Spirit. (Rom 8:2-14)
  3. We are adopted into God’s family as His child. (Rom 8:15-17)
  4. God is going to resurrect us and all creation one day in glory. (Rom 8:19-21)
  5. The Holy Spirit intercedes for us in prayer. (Rom 8:26)
  6. All things work together for good to those who love God. (Rom 8:28)
  7. God is making you more like his Son every day. (Rom 8:29)
  8. In Jesus, we are more than conquers. (Rom 8:37)
  9. Nothing can separate us from God’s love. (Rom 8:38-39)


Follow-up Questions from Sunday:


Getting to Know You:

When you look back on your life who would you say are the 4 people that loved you the most?


Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


Digging Deeper:

  1. Read Romans 8. As you read this chapter, what section is most meaningful to you and why?
  2. Read vs 31-32. What do you think Paul is talking about in regard to “all things”?
  3. Read vs 35-37. What do you think Paul is referring to about us being conquerors?  Please share?
  4. Read Acts 7:54-60. Steve was the first martyr for his faith in Jesus.  Would you say in these verses he was defeated or that he was a conqueror?  Why or why not.
  5. As you reflect on your spiritual journey, how have you been more than a conqueror in Christ as you’ve walked with Him?
  6. Read vs 38-39. What do you think God is trying to tell you in these verses?  How does this passage effect your life?  How do you think it should?


Taking it Home:

What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?

FollowUp 7-25-18

Message Title: Momentary Suffering and Eternal Glory

Series: Romans 8



Key verses:
Romans 8:18-25


Sermon Notes

For the followers of Jesus:

  1. Suffering and glory are promised. (Rom 8:18, 2Tim 3:12)
  2. Our present sufferings and future glory aren’t worth comparing. (Rom 8:18)
  3. The magnificence of God’s eternal glory will greatly surpass our present sufferings. (Rom  8:18-19)
  4. Sufferings and future glory concern both God’s creation and God’s children. (Rom 8)
  5. In glory, we will have a new, glorified body like Jesus’. (Rom 8:23, Phil 3:20-21)


Follow-up Questions from Sunday:

Getting to Know You:
What is the newest model of something you just bought and why is it better than the old one?

Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


Digging Deeper:

  1. Read Romans 8:18-25. What makes more sense to you about these verses after Sunday’s message?
  2. Read Isaiah 11:1-11. The “branch” is the Messiah Jesus that came 700 years after this was written.  When you read these descriptions of Christ in these verses which ones are most meaningful to you?
  3. When you think about eternity and the “age of future glory”, what do you think about? What are you most looking forward to?
  4. Read 2 Cor 11:24-28, Mt 5:11-12, 2 Tim 3:12. What were some of the most painful times of harsh treatment you have endured because you follow Christ Jesus?  How does the reality of eternity help you in dealing with these moments?


Taking it Home:

What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?

FollowUp 7-17-18

Message Title: Children of God

Series: Romans 8



Key verses:
Romans 8:12-17

Sermon Notes


Apostle Paul gives several reasons why we cannot continue being slaves of sin.

  1.  We have a debt of gratitude to God to live according to His Spirit. (Rom 8:12)
  2.  Living according to the flesh will destroy you. (Rom 8:13)
  3.  We are now children of God. (Rom 8:14-16).
  4.  We are heirs to a Divine Kingdom that begins in suffering and ends in Glory (Rom 8:16-17)


Follow-up Questions from Sunday:

Getting to Know You:

If you had a choice of parents, who would you choose?


Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


Digging Deeper:

  1. Read Genesis 3:1-6. How did the serpent (Satan) get Adam and Eve to sin against God? How does the Devil get us to sin against God today? What’s the similarity in tactic?
  2. Read John 5:18. How did Jesus address God and why did the religious leaders find that offensive?
  3. Read Romans 8:14-16. How does being a child of God set us free from the bondage of sin? What does fear do to us? How did Jesus deal with our fears?
  4. Read Romans 8:16-17. If we are heirs, what is our inheritance? Why is it important for the heirs of God to reflect the moral attributes of God?
  5. Read Rom 7:18-19, 24-25. Is there anything in your life that you find difficult to surrender to Jesus? Why is it hard to let give up or let go?



Taking it Home:

What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?

FollowUp 7-10-18

Message Title: Life in the Spirit

Series: Romans 8



Key verses:
Romans 8:1-11


Sermon Notes


  1.  The first blessing of salvation is no condemnation. (Rom 8:1)
  2.  The second blessing of salvation is liberation. (Rom 8:2-4)
  3.  Jesus did not bring us to a new set of rules, but access to a new relationship.
  4.  Jesus paid it all for us on the cross and paved the way for the Holy Spirit to dwell inside us! (Rom 8:2-4)
  5.  Life in the Spirit is about focus. (Rom 8:5-8)
  6.  Life in the Spirit is not about earning, but learning and it takes effort.



Follow-up Questions from Sunday:


Getting to Know You:

Who would you say is the most influential person you have ever met?


Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


Digging Deeper:

  1.  Read Romans 8.  As you read this chapter, what positive things do you see come from our life in Jesus?
  2.  From verses 1-4, how would you explain the Gospel to someone who feels they are not “good enough” for God?
  3.  In verses 5-11, what does Paul say about the options Christians have in living their life?
  4.  Read Col 3:1-5.  Why do you think it is so important to God that we set our heart and mind on things above?  What practical benefit is there?
  5. How have you seen the benefits of this play out in your life?


Taking it Home:

What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?

FollowUp 7-3-18

Message Title:The Conversion of an Influential Pharisee


Key verses:
Acts 9:4-5


Sermon Notes

In those three days, Paul:

  1.  Changed his mind about Jesus. (Romans 1:1-4)
  2.  Changed his mind about the Law. (Romans 3:19-20)
  3.  Changed his mind about salvation. (Romans 6:23)
  4.  Changed his mind about the church. (Acts 9:3-4, 1 Tim 1:12-15)
  5.  Changed his mind about Gentiles. (Romans 1:1-5, Gal 3:28)



Follow-up Questions from Sunday:


Getting to Know You:

Who do you know that had a dramatic conversion experience?


Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


Digging Deeper:

  1.  Read Acts 9:1-31.  Describe what happened in verses 3-9 from the viewpoint of one of Saul’s companions.
  2.  How do you think you would feel if you were in Ananias’s place?  Have you ever tried to help God understand a situation like Ananias did?  Why do you think we do this with God sometimes? How do you think this makes God feel?
  3.  What do you think is significant about the way Ananias addressed Saul?  How do you think that made Saul feel?
  4.  Consider the influence of Saul/Paul in the Early Church. How many books did he write?  Look at the missionary journeys he took and the churches he planted and encouraged. Looking at our world today, who do you think are some of the most influential Christian leaders today?  Who has been the most influential person God has used in your spiritual journey and how do you think God has used you to influence others?


Taking it Home:

What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?

FollowUp 6-19-18

Message Title: Abba Father

Key verse:
Ephesians 1:3-5, John 1:12, Matthew 6:9


Sermon Notes

  1.  In-between the O.T. and the N.T. the relationship between God and His people was at an all-time low.
  2.  When Jesus came, He acted differently than any other prophet.
  3.  When Jesus prayed, He called God “Father”.
  4.  Jesus came to restore us to God in a new relationship.


Follow-up Questions from Sunday:

Getting to Know You:

Name a movie or T.V. show where Hollywood portrays a positive father role model.

Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


Digging Deeper:

  1.  When you think of fathers in the Bible, who do you think were the best ones and why?
  2.  Read Joshua 24:15, Prov. 23:24, Psalm 103:13, Eph 6:14, Col 3:21, 1 Tim 5:8, Heb 12:9.   From these verses, list the Biblical role and responsibility of a father physically, emotionally, and spiritually.  How does this prompt you to pray for dads?
  3.  Knowing from the Scriptures that no earthly father is perfect, how does your relationship with your Heavenly Father provide healing for the weak areas of your earthly father?
  4. Read Eph 1:1-10.  Who do you know who has been adopted?  What difference has it made in your life knowing that you are adopted into God’s family?  How do you think this should affect your view of yourself and God?
  5.  From this Eph. passage, which of these spiritual blessings in Christ are the most meaningful to you? Why?


Taking it Home:

What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?


FollowUp 6-12-18

Message Title: Principles of a Biblical Friendship



Key verse:
1 Sam 18:1-4


Sermon Notes


  1.  Spiritual growth happens in meaningful relationships. (Heb 10:24-25)
  2.  Biblical friendships happen around the presence of God.  (1 Sam Ch 17)
  3.  Biblical friendships are willing to sacrifice for each other. (1 Sam 18:1-4)
  4.  Biblical friendships are willing to defend each other.  (1 Sam 19:4-5)
  5.  Biblical friendships give you the freedom to be real.  (1 Sam 20:41)
  6.  Biblical friendships encourage you in the Lord.  (1 Sam 23:15-16)


Follow-up Questions from Sunday:


Getting to Know You:
Who is your best friend?  How did you meet and how long have you been friends?


Quick Review:
Looking back at your notes from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?


Digging Deeper:

  1.  In your spiritual journey what Christian friend has had the most impact in your life?  How did God use them and how do you think God used you in their life?
  2.  As you read the story of David and Jonathan, what do you think is most unique about their friendship and what is the closest that you have come to a friendship like theirs?
  3.  Read Jn 15:12-14.  Do you believe that friendships are based on conditions?  What are your conditions for your friendships? What do you see are God’s conditions for friendships?
  4.  What do you think Jesus is asking you to obey in Jn 15:12-14?
  5.  Read Jn 13:34-35, 14:15-24, Jn 15:9-14.  How would you sum up what Jesus is trying to say in these verses?
  6.  Looking at the notes of the Sunday message, how would you rate Jesus as a friend to you?  How do you rate your friendship to Jesus?


Taking it Home:

What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week?