FollowUp 11-21-17
Message Title: Rebel and the King’s Dream
Series: Rebel with a Cause
Key verses: Dan 2:1-3, 46-49, Acts 4:8-12
Sermon Notes:
- In Daniel chapter 1, God sustains his prophet.
- In Daniel chapter 2, God speaks to the King.
In Daniel 2, God speaks to the king that:
- The God of Israel is the absolute Sovereign ruler of heaven and earth!
- Sovereignty means God can do what He wants when He wants and how He wants to do it without asking you first.
- The time of the Gentiles is a period of time of Gentile denomination over Jerusalem and the Jewish people until the coming of Jesus.
The Prayer of a Rebel for God.
Father give me the wisdom to know the right thing to do and the courage to do it.
Follow up questions from Sunday:
Icebreaker: What is one of the most memorable or unusual dreams you ever had?
- In Daniel Chapter 2, God reveals that He is not weak or distant, but he is powerful and present with what is happening on earth. How does this truth effect you? How should it effect all of us?
- Read Acts 4:8-12. After Peter heals in the name of Jesus, he declares the prophecy of Psalm 118 that Jesus is the Stone of the kingdom of God. How has Jesus been a solid foundation for your life? How do you think this Stone will play out into your future?
- Read 1 Thess 5:18, Phil 4:6, Col 3:17. We are told as followers of Jesus to be thankful in all circumstances.
What are some things you are thankful for that has happened to you in this last year? What are some things you are thankful to your family and friends for?
- This Thanksgiving week spend some time sharing about all the good things that God has done for you and give Him praise.
Examples of those who gave thanks:
Jesus Christ—Mt 14:!9 (Luke 9:16); Mark 8:6; Luke 24:30; 1Cor 11:24
Paul—Acts 28:15; Rom 6:17; Eph 1:16; 1Tim 1:12
Heavenly beings—Rev 4:9; 7:12; 11:17