FollowUp 11-7-17
Message Title: Why Do We Need To Tell Others About Jesus?
Series: Questions
Key verses: Acts 20:17-27; 31-35, Matthew 28:18-20
Sermon Notes:
- We have the most Powerful Message (Acts 20:20, 24, 27 & 32; Romans 1:16)
- We have the most Powerful God (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-16)
- We have the Greatest Model and the most Powerful Method (Acts 20:34-35)
- We have a Command to Obey (Matthew 28:18-20)
Follow-up questions from Sunday:
Icebreaker: Who is your favorite actor or actress and why?
- Read Mt 6:1-6. The word “hypocrite” is rooted in the Greek word “hypocrites”, which means stage actor, or pretender. What do you think causes unbelievers to conclude that Christians are a bunch of hypocrites and how do you think our WCC Missions Outreach pushes back against this line of thinking? What are you most proud of in our missions program?
- Among all the missionary stories Pastor Jonathan shared in last Sunday’s message, which one inspired you the most? Why?
- Read Romans 1:16 and 1 Cor. 15:1-6. How does the Bible define the Gospel? How have you experienced the power of the Gospel in your life?
- In Acts 20:35, the Apostle Paul quotes Jesus as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” How have you experienced this truth in your life and how have you taught it to others?
- Read Matthew 28:18-20. This is oftentimes referred to as the Great Commission that Jesus commands all his followers to obey. How has this Great Commission affected your life? In what ways have you followed this command?