Pastor Frank

FollowUp 11-21-17

Message Title: Rebel and the King’s Dream

Series: Rebel with a Cause

Key verses: Dan 2:1-3, 46-49, Acts 4:8-12

Sermon Notes:

  1. In Daniel chapter 1, God sustains his prophet.
  2. In Daniel chapter 2, God speaks to the King.

In Daniel 2, God speaks to the king that:

  1. The God of Israel is the absolute Sovereign ruler of heaven and earth!
  2. Sovereignty means God can do what He wants when He wants and how He wants to do it without asking you first.
  3. The time of the Gentiles is a period of time of Gentile denomination over Jerusalem and the Jewish people until the coming of Jesus.

The Prayer of a Rebel for God.

Father give me the wisdom to know the right thing to do and the courage to do it.


Follow up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: What is one of the most memorable or unusual dreams you ever had?

  1. In Daniel Chapter 2, God reveals that He is not weak or distant, but he is powerful and present with what is happening on earth. How does this truth effect you?  How should it effect all of us?
  2. Read Acts 4:8-12. After Peter heals in the name of Jesus, he declares the prophecy of Psalm 118 that Jesus is the Stone of the kingdom of God.  How has Jesus been a solid foundation for your life?  How do you think this Stone will play out into your future?
  3. Read 1 Thess 5:18, Phil 4:6, Col 3:17. We are told as followers of Jesus to be thankful in all circumstances.

What are some things you are thankful for that has happened to you in this last year?  What are some things you are thankful to your family and friends for?

  1. This Thanksgiving week spend some time sharing about all the good things that God has done for you and give Him praise.

Examples of those who gave thanks:

Jesus Christ—Mt 14:!9 (Luke 9:16); Mark 8:6; Luke 24:30; 1Cor 11:24

Paul—Acts 28:15; Rom 6:17; Eph 1:16; 1Tim 1:12

Heavenly beings—Rev 4:9; 7:12; 11:17

FollowUp 11-14-17

Message Title: Rebel with a Cause

Series: Rebel with a Cause

Key verses:

2 Chronicles 36:15-16, Daniel 1:8-9, Jn 17:13-19

Sermon Notes:

Who was Daniel and his friends?

  1. They were teenagers.
  2. They were most likely from a Godly home.
  3. They came from royalty and privilege.
  4. They came from the horrors of war.
  5. They were under pressure to leave their God.
  6. They were rebels for God in a foreign land.

What does Jesus mean by the world?

  1. It is a fallen system of thought that call us to live our life and seek out or needs independent of God. (Gen 3:1-7)

How did Daniel live for God in a foreign land?

  1. He wasn’t a wimp. (Dan 1:8)
  2. H wasn’t a jerk. (Dan 1:9)
  3. He loved first and led second–but he always did both.

Our church prayer for this series:

11. Father give me the wisdom to know the right thing to do and the courage to do it.

Follow up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: Who is your favorite rebel character in the movies and why?

  1. Read 2 Chron. 36:15-16; Matthew 21: 12-14 What do these verses reveal about God to you? Do you see God as a patient God why or why not?  How have you experienced God being patient with you?
  2. Read Daniel 1:9: How have you seen God give you favor in the eyes of others in your life journey?  Why do you think He does this?   In what circumstance, would you like to pray this verse for your life today?
  3. We read in Dan. 1 that to be an effective rebel for God in the world we need to love and to lead. Which one of these do you struggle with the most?
  4. Read John 17: 13-19; What does Jesus pray for –for us–as we live in this world and why? In what ways, can we live out being in the world and not of it?  When was the last time you felt like an alien in this world? Please share.  How can you reflect truth in this situation, without being a “wimp or jerk”.
  5. Read 2 Cor. 6:16-18. How does thinking of ourselves as children of God help us live morally distinct lives in our culture? (Hint: In Jesus’ time, familes had shared values, and were a shelter against the influences of the world at large. Our families today don’t always work the same way.) In what way is “idols” a good way of thinking about the things that the world uses to influence us?
  6. Read Heb. 11:13-16. The writer says that people who live by faith identify themselves as foreigners and strangers in this world. What things distract you from focusing on heaven? Why do we find ourselves so easily influenced?
  7. In your faith journey as a follower of Jesus, can you recall a time when God gave you the wisdom to do the right thing and the courage to do it?  Please share.  Pray for each other that God will continue to answer this prayer in your life as you follow Him.

FollowUp 11-7-17

Message Title: Why Do We Need To Tell Others About Jesus?

Series: Questions

Key verses: Acts 20:17-27; 31-35, Matthew 28:18-20

Sermon Notes:

  1. We have the most Powerful Message (Acts 20:20, 24, 27 & 32; Romans 1:16)
  2. We have the most Powerful God (John 1:1-3; Colossians 1:15-16)
  3. We have the Greatest Model and the most Powerful Method (Acts 20:34-35)
  4. We have a Command to Obey (Matthew 28:18-20)

Follow-up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: Who is your favorite actor or actress and why?

  1. Read Mt 6:1-6. The word “hypocrite” is rooted in the Greek word “hypocrites”, which means stage actor, or pretender. What do you think causes unbelievers to conclude that Christians are a bunch of hypocrites and how do you think our WCC Missions Outreach pushes back against this line of thinking? What are you most proud of in our missions program?
  2. Among all the missionary stories Pastor Jonathan shared in last Sunday’s message, which one inspired you the most? Why?
  3. Read Romans 1:16 and 1 Cor. 15:1-6. How does the Bible define the Gospel? How have you experienced the power of the Gospel in your life?
  4. In Acts 20:35, the Apostle Paul quotes Jesus as saying, “It is more blessed to give than to receive.” How have you experienced this truth in your life and how have you taught it to others?
  5. Read Matthew 28:18-20. This is oftentimes referred to as the Great Commission that Jesus commands all his followers to obey. How has this Great Commission affected your life?  In what ways have you followed this command?

FollowUp 10-31-17

Message Title: Why Are There So Many Denominations?

Series: Questions

Key verses: Jn. 17:20-23, 1 Peter 3:18, 2 Cor. 5:17-21, Eph. 2:8-9.

Sermon Notes:

The Bible teaches that we are saved by: 

  1. Jesus’ work on the cross plus nothing!
  2. If you add something to what Jesus did on the cross, then you are subtracting from what He accomplished on the cross.

Principles of the Reformation:

  1. Sola Scriptura: Scripture alone .(2 Tim. 3:14-17)
  2. Sola Fide: Faith alone. (Eph. 2:9)
  3. Sola Gratia: Grace alone. (Romans 3:23, 6:23, Eph. 2:8)
  4. Solus Christus: Christ alone. (Acts 4:12,1 Tim. 2:5-6)
  5. Soli Deo Gloria: Glory to God alone. (1 Cor. 10:31)


  1. The Christian Church isn’t a building we walk into, but a movement we become a part of.

Follow up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: Who gave you your first Bible?  Do you know where it is today?

  1. Read Romans 1:16-17. Martin Luther said that this verse changed the course of his life as he read it one night in his monastery.  “It is not a righteousness that is by works or by penance or by indulgences or by absolutions or by prayers to the saints, but a righteousness that comes only by faith. By faith!” That was the truth that set him free.  How do you think can we practically apply this verse in our spiritual lives today?
  2. Read Jude 1:3. In 1521AD, Martin Luther was willing to die for the faith. Who would you say is the most courageous Christian that you  have met in your spiritual journey?  When was the last time you stood up for the faith?  How did it make you feel?
  3. God used the new technology of the printing press to bless the Reformation, how do you think God is using technology to bless the Church today? How is he using it to bless you today?
  4. Do you think having different denominations is a good thing or a bad thing? Why?
  5. Read 1Peter 5:1-5. What does Peter say a leader should be like in God’s Church? During Martin Luther’s time, there was religious corruption among the leaders of the church. Have you ever encountered religious corruption in your journey with Jesus? If so, how did it affect you and how did you overcome it?
  6. Read John 21:15-17.  Pray for the leaders of our church that they will continue to love Jesus, follow Jesus, and continue to lead our church as He directs us.

FollowUp 10-24-17

Message Title: What about Sex, Alcohol, and Gambling?

Series: Questions

Key verses: 1 Cor. 9:24-27; 1 Cor. 6:12-20

Sermon Notes:

The key to the life we really want:

  1. Your life has a purpose. (1 Cor. 9:24; 15:32)
  2. Your purpose is realized the moment you stand at the finish line.(1 Cor. 9:25)
  3. You were built to run. (1 Cor. 9:26-27)

Excuses that rob us of life:

Excuse #1: I have the right to do whatever I want! (1 Cor. 6:12)

Not everything we want is good for us.

Some of the things we want control our lives.


Excuse #2: What does it matter how I live, if this life is temporary? (1 Cor. 6:13-17)

Our bodies are meant for the Lord.

Our bodies will be resurrected and we will have them in eternity.

We participate in the body of Christ using our bodies.

The Spirit of the Lord dwells in our bodies.


Run to win: Set boundaries to reach the goal. (1 Cor. 6:18-20)


Follow up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: What is the longest time you’ve ever dieted or controlled what you eat? What was the hardest thing to avoid eating?  Was your goal ever reached?  If so,  how did you feel?

  1. Read Jn 8:31-36. What things have you noticed that people do with their freedom that ends up becoming a habit of bondage for them?  How has meeting, knowing, and following Jesus set you free in your life journey? What things is He in the process of setting you free from?
  2. Read Phil. 3:13-14. Paul uses the race imagery here to describe his own pursuit of the goal. He says that he has to forget what is behind him and press on. How have these verse applied to your life with Christ?
  3. Read Romans 6:15-18. What are the two choices we have to “serve”? What is the result of slavery to sin?  What is the benefit of slavery to God and its result?  Some people think that because we are not under the law, we have the freedom to sin. Why do you think this thinking is flawed?
  4. Read Eph. 5:3-4. Paul says there shouldn’t be a hint of sexual immorality among Christians. How important is it that we live out our faith, in front of people who are not Christians? Read vv. 8-11. What helps you to remain on track for Christ in a dark and faithless world?
  5. Read 1 Cor. 6:18-20. Paul gives three reasons why sexual immorality is bad for Christians. It is (1) a sin against your own life, (2) the Holy Spirit dwells in our bodies, and (3) we are owned by God, who bought us at the price of His own shed blood. Which of these ideas is the most helpful to you in avoiding sin in your life? Why?

FollowUp 10-17-17

Message Title: God Never Changes!

Series: Questions

Key verses:
Psa. 139:13-16; 103: 13-14; Mal. 3:6-7; James 1:17; Heb. 13:8; Psa. 86:15

Sermon Notes:

Things we need to know about God:

  1. The One who made us knows us. (Ps 139:13-16)
  2. The One who knows us loves us. (Ps 103:13-14)
  3. The One who loves us never changes. (Mal. 3:6-7; Jam. 2:27; Heb. 13:8)

Questions from the church:

  1. Why does the God of the Old Testament (jealous, wrathful) seem so different from the God of the New Testament (loving, forgiving)?
  2. Traditions emphasized in Messianic Jewish faith seem to uphold the Old Testament traditions in ways we seem to discard, such as the historical day of the Sabbath, etc. [Why is that?]
  3. Why did God sanction genocide in the Old Testament? Why did he allow the soldiers to kill/enslave the conquered? 32:29; Jer. 18:7-8

Compare Deut. 20:16-18;Josh. 10:40-42 to Josh. 23:12-13, Judg. 1:19-21, 27-31

  1. The God who knows us, loves us, and never changes is waiting for us. (Ps 86:15)

Follow up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: Who is the person you’ve seen change the most in the time you’ve known them?

  1. Who do you think knows you the best of anyone in the world? How would you feel if someone knew absolutely everything about you?
  2. Read Ps 139:1-6. How does King David feel about God’s total knowledge of him?  Why do you think that is?
  3. Read Ps 139:13-16. How do you think these verses speak to your value in Gods eyes? In light of how He made you, what do you think he wants most from you?
  4. Read Ps 103:13-14. If a good parent keeps in mind the limitations of their children when they are growing up; how do these verses help you understand and picture God’s loving patience with you? Can you think of a recent time when God was patient with you? Please share
  5. Read Mal 3:6-7, Heb 13:8, James 1:17. What do these verses teach us about God? If God never changes in His nature, character, mind, thoughts, or will, then what does this mean to us?  How is this a good thing?
  6. Read Ex 3:13-14, Jn 8:53-59. God said that He was to be called “I Am” to Moses and Jesus later called himself “I AM” for which they wanted to kill Him for making Himself out to be God.

What do these verses say to us about the topic of “the God of the O.T and the N.T being the same”?  Read Jn 14:8-11.  Behold the mystery of the Trinity!

7.  What are important things you have learned about God from stories in the Old Testament that have proven important to you? Why is it helpful to have God’s dealings with people like David, Abraham, and Joseph for us to read about? What do we learn about God when we see him work with flawed people?

FollowUp 10-10-17

Message Title: What is the Deal with Hell?

Series: Questions

Key verses:  Mt 25:41, 2 Thess 1:6-9, 2 Peter 2:4

Sermon Notes:

  1. Jesus teaches about hell more than any other person in the Scriptures.

What is the deal about hell?

  1. God prepared hell for the devil and his demons. (Mt 25:41)
  2. Jesus describes hell as a place of:

* eternal fire (Mt 18:8, 25:41)

* eternal punishment (Mt 25:46)

* outer darkness (Mt 8:12)

* weeping and gnashing of teeth (Mt 8:12)

  1. Hell is a place of judgment. (2 Peter 2:4)
  2. Hell is a place for people that reject Jesus. (2 Thess 1:8)
  3. Hell is a place of eternal separation from God. (2 Thess 1:9)
  4. Jesus teaches more about hell so as to warn us not to go there!

Follow up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker:   What are you thankful for today?

1) Why do you think some people struggle with the concept of hell more than heaven?

2)  How did the message on Sunday bring some clarity to your understanding of hell that you maybe didn’t have before?  Please share.

3)  Read Romans 12:18-19 & Rev 20:11-12.  It is said that there is a higher court than the Supreme Court and that one day all evil will be dealt with by God.  How do you think this could actually comfort someone today?

4) Read Rom. 6:23 & 2 Pet. 3:9. What does God desire of all people? How did he provide a way of escape from the consequences of our sins? If Jesus was willing to suffer and die for the people of the world, what does this show about God’s love for every human?

5) Read Deut. 30:15-19. All people, in all times, have this fundamental choice. What does God desire for us?  Do you think the choice that people are faced with is clear? What insight does this shed on heaven and hell?

6) Read 1 John 2:15-17. What does life look like for people that refuse to choose God?  Read Rom. 10:9-10. Is it easy to “choose life” given the world we live in? Why or why not?

Extra credit:

Read Mt 25:41.  Why do you think God created the devil?  Go to our web site and watch Pastor Frank answer that question. 

Closing thoughts:

  1. S. Lewis writes in his book The Great Divorce: “There are only two kinds of people in the end: those who say to God, ‘Thy will be done,’ and those to whom God says, in the end, ‘Thy will be done.’ All that are in Hell, choose it.”

FollowUp 10-3-17

Message Title: What is the Deal with Heaven?

Series: Questions

Key verses:
John 14:1-3, Colossians 3:1-2
Sermon Notes:      

  1. The Three Heavens
    1. Atmospheric Heaven – (Jer 4: 25)
    2. Planetary Heaven – (Isaiah 13:10)
    3. Divine Heaven – 1 Kings 8:28.
  2. The realm of heaven
    1. Heaven is a place.
    2. Heaven is also a condition or state.
  3. The riches of heaven
    1. it is a prepared place for prepared people.
    2. It is a populated place.
      1. Will we know each other in heaven?
      2. How old will we be in heaven?
      3. Will there be marriage in heaven?
    3. It is a pleasurable and permament place.
    4. It is a perfect place.
  4. The road to heaven.
  5. The requirement for heaven.
  6. Conclusion

Follow up Questions from Sunday:
Icebreaker: What is the most beautiful place you have visited on earth?

  1. How does the prospect of heaven motivate you to follow Jesus today?
  2. Read Matthew 13:44-45. What are you willing to do to make sure of heaven?
  3. Read Colossians 3:1-2. How does this affect your daily life?
  4. What will happen to believers when they see Jesus? I John 3:2
  5. How can you be sure you are going to heaven?

FollowUp 9-19-17

Message Title: One Another

Series: Questions

Key verses:  Gen 3:6-13, John 16:33

Sermon Notes:


In the Garden of Eden:

  1. There is not a need; everything is provided.
  2. There is no death, crying, pain, guilt, or shame.
  3. There is perfect love between God and human beings.
  4. There is perfect love between all human beings.
  5. Everything was happening there that you and I wish was happening today.

Why do bad things happen?

  1. Because we live in a fallen world.
  2. Because we are children of fallen parents.
  3. Because we use our freedom to make bad choices.
  4. Because sometimes we receive the consequences of another’s bad choices.

Follow up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: Where is the most beautiful, peaceful place you have traveled/seen in the world?

1)  Read over the sermon notes 1-5. When you look at and study the Garden of Eden in Gen 2, what does it reveal to you about the heart of God for us?

2)  In Genesis 3, Adam and Eve make a poor decision to not trust God and in the end it had/has huge  consequences for all of God’s creation to this day. What do you think it says about the nature of God when He holds people (made in His image) morally responsible for their choices?

3)  Read Gen 3:11-13. When Adam and Eve are first confronted by God for what they had done, they tried to pass the blame. What do you think this reveals about our fallen nature?  Why do you think it’s so difficult for the sons and daughters of Adam and Eve to take responsibility for their poor decisions?  Can you think of a time when you tried to blame someone else for a mistake you made? Please share.

4)  Read John 16:33.  What do you think Jesus means when He says He has overcome the world?

5)  Read Isaiah 11:1-9 & Romans 8:19-22. The restoration of the world is tied to the revealing of God’s Messiah (Jesus) and His people at the end of the age. What are some things in this world that will be healed?

6)  Read Revelation 21:1-5. When you read these words and what God’s ultimate plan is for dealing with human brokenness and suffering, what does this reveal to you about the heart of God for us?

FollowUp 9-12-17

Message Title: One Another

Key verses:  Acts 2:41-47, Heb 10:24-25

Sermon Notes:


  1. Christian relationships are formed more effectively in circles rather than in rows.

In the Scriptures, we are commanded to:

  1. Love each other, pray for each other, encourage each other, admonish each other, serve each other, accept each other, honor each other, forgive each other, be committed to each other, bear each other’s burdens, rejoice with each other, and teach each other in the love of Christ.
  2. Discipleship happens in meaningful relationships.

Follow up questions from Sunday:

Icebreaker: As a child, who was the troublemaker in your family and who was the peace maker?

  1. Read Acts 2:42-47 and Hebrews 10:19-25, from these Scriptures how do you understand the Christian faith?
  2. How has your understanding of Jesus’ work on the cross encouraged your confidence in entering into the presence of God?
  3. Was there ever a time in your life when you “forsook” the assembly of believers? When was it and how did it affect your faith in Jesus?
  4. In what specific way can we spur another Christian on toward love and good deeds? How have you been spurred on by others in your faith?  Please share.
  5. Whose encouragement has meant the most to you in your past? Can you think of a time when God used you to encourage someone else in their faith?  What was it and how did it make you feel?
  6. How has God used your growth group/small group experiences in your past to get you to where you are today in your faith in Jesus?