Pastor Frank

FollowUp 3-15-17

Message Title: How do you know what you believe is true?
Series: How Do You Know?

Key verses: John 6:68-69

Sermon Notes:

 1. Faith and conviction encompasses a personal, spiritual journey involving an intellectual and experiential process.
2. The argument in John 6:22 begins over food.
3. Our work is to not work, but to believe in the work of Jesus.
4. Moses didn’t come down from heaven, but Jesus did!
5. Jesus is far greater than Moses, for He sustains us throughout all eternity–not just for the 40 years in the wilderness.

FollowUp 3-8-17

Message Title: Who is Yeshua (Jesus)

Key verses:Mt 16:13-17

Sermon Notes:

I. G-d has revealed Yeshua to us.
a. The world’s view of Yeshua.
b. The believer’s view of Yeshua.
c. G-d has told us who Yeshua is.

II. We should reveal Yeshua to the world.
a. G-d has sent us.
b. G-d has told us what to say.

III. Because G-d has revealed Yeshua to us we are to reveal Yeshua to the World.

FollowUp 3-1-17

Message Title: Worship and Missions

Key verses: Rev. 5:9-14; Rom. 12:1; Acts 1:8

Sermon Notes:

I. Worship is the devotion of our hearts and lives to God because of what Jesus did on the cross.

II. Worship is never about us. It’s all about Him!

III. Worship is powerfully expressed in singing.

IV. Worship moves us to missions.

FollowUp 2-22-17

Message Title: We need an anchor for our soul
Series: Shipwreck

Key verses:
Luke 8:4-15; John 6:63; Col. 2:6-8; Luke 12:16-20; Isa 6:9-10

Sermon Notes:
1. The ultimate goal of our faith in Jesus is eternal life. (Jn 3:16 1 Peter 1:9)

O A biblical definition of hope is:
2. Hope is the conviction and anticipation of something that God has promised. (Heb 11:1)
3. To the follower of Jesus our faith in the life, death and resurrection of Christ produces in us a living hope of eternal life.

O Jesus our High Priest:
4. Is the Way
5. Has shown us the way.
6. Paid the way.
7. Has gone before us.
8. He is preparing a place for us.

FollowUp 2-15-17

Message Title: Evading Jagged Rocks
Series: Shipwreck

Key verses:
Luke 8:4-15; John 6:63; Col. 2:6-8; Luke 12:16-20; Isa 6:9-10

Sermon Notes:

We become blind to the dangers in front of us and run aground on jagged rocks.

The way to penetrate a hard heart is to disguise the truth in a story.

We all face jagged rocks which can lead to shipwreck:

1. Worldly philosophies will leave us empty if we believe the lie.

2. Adversity will uproot us if we don’t have a foundation of faith.

3. Worry, wealth and pleasure can choke us if we let them overwhelm and take control.

The life you want—the abundant life—comes from perseverance.

FollowUp 2-08-17

Message Title: To avoid shipwreck we need Good officers to lead us!
Series: Shipwreck

Key verses:
1 Timothy 1:18-19, Eph 4:11-14

Sermon Notes:
Q. What is the purpose of officers/ leaders on our ship of faith?
1. To equip the crew for the work of service. Eph 4:12.
2. Protecting the unity of the Spirit. v. 13
3. Building up the crew to be seasoned mature sailors. v. 13
4. Protecting the course of our faith from bad teaching. v. 14
5. Doctrine is important. v. 14

Q. What are the requirements of officers in Christ’s navy?
6. They have to be motivated by love for Christ! Jn 21:15
7. They have to be people who live out Godly character.

Q. How should the crew respond to its officers/leadership?
8. Honor them. 1 Tim 5:17
9. Appreciate them. 1 Thess 5:12-13
10. Listen to them. Heb 13:17

FollowUp 1-25-17

Message Title: Shipwreck: To avoid shipwreck we need Shipmates!
Series: Shipwreck

Key verses:
1 Timothy 1:18-19, Hebrews 10:19-25

Sermon Notes:
1. Our faith in Jesus sails in community.
2. To keep your faith in Jesus off the rocks you need others.
3. You need shipmates and your shipmates need you.
4. Spiritual growth happens in meaningful relationships.

In the scriptures we are commanded to:

5. Love each other, pray for each other, encourage each other, admonish each other, serve each other, teach each other, accept each other, honor each other, forgive each other, be committed to each other, bear each other’s burdens–all in the Love of Christ.

FollowUp 2-01-17

Message Title: Shipwreck: We Need to Prepare for Storms!
Series: Shipwreck

Key verses:
Matthew 14:22-33, Mark 4:35-41, Philippians 4:6-8

Sermon Notes:
1. Storms won’t take you down. Your attitude will.
2. You have a choice how you will handle the storm.
3. In the same way we learn negative attitudes, we can unlearn it and then learn positive attitudes.
4. The best way to prepare for life’s storms is to develop an attitude of trust in God our Good Father.

FollowUp 1-18-17

Message Title: Shipwreck: To avoid shipwreck we need a compass!
Series: Shipwreck

Key verses:
1 Timothy 1:18-19, Psalm 119:105, Romans 10:17

Sermon Notes:

1. The Bible is a Library of 66 books written between 1,450 BC to 90 AD.
2. The Bible was written by over 40 different people on 3 different continents in 3 different languages.
3. The writers of the Bible were kings, statesman, priests, prophets, a tax collector, physician, a tentmaker, a fisherman.
4. Miraculously they produced a set of writings that is a marvelous unity in its doctrine, historical viewpoints, ethics, and expectations.
5. Throughout these 1,500 years there is a consistent view of God, man, sin, salvation, a coming Messiah, and a Kingdom.
6. The Scriptures and the Savior are inner linked!
7. The word of God builds faith.
8. The Word of God guides faith.

How do you allow the Word of God to guide you?

9. You have to Believe it works.
10. You have to allow it to sink into the core of your heart.
11. You have to seek its course.

FollowUp 1-11-17

Message Title: Shipwreck: Keeping our Faith Off the Rocks!
Series: Shipwreck

Key verses:
1 Timothy 1:18-19

Sermon Notes:
1. Ephesus was a strategic place but also a difficult place to minister.
2. I Timothy is a letter of encouragement and instruction from Paul to Timothy.
3. In 1 Timothy Paul compares a person’s faith to a ship.
4. Paul lived through a literal shipwreck.
5. Paul saw a lot of spiritual shipwrecks.