Mid Week Message 5-15-19
Message Title: A Mother of Noble Character
Sermon notes:
Proverbs 31:10-30
- A mother of noble character prioritizes the needs of others. Proverbs 31:15-20
- A mother of noble character finds her value in the Lord and is controlled by His opinion of her. Proverbs 31:30
- A mother of noble character changes her children’s lives with her words. Proverbs 31:26; 18:21
Follow-up Questions from Sunday:
Getting to Know You:
What is the funniest thing you remember your mother doing when you were growing up?
Quick Review:
Looking back from this week’s teaching, was there anything you heard for the first time or that caught your attention, challenged, or confused you?
Digging Deeper:
- Read Proverbs 31:10-31. How do you define character and how do you think people acquire it?
- Do you think the woman described in these verses is simply an ideal to be aspired to or an actual flesh and blood woman, or both?
- As you read these verses, what abilities make this woman praiseworthy in the eyes of her husband? Her children? The village community? The poor and the needy?
- As we reflect on these verses, we see that God first impacts the heart of a mother and then uses her life as the epicenter to influence her marriage, her family, and then out into the community and the world. Do you think this is an exaggeration of the influence of a godly mom or a powerful reality? Why or why not? Read 2 Timothy 1:1-5.
- Read Romans 5:3-4. It has been said that you can’t take your career to heaven but only your character. Paul says that character emerges as we stay faithful when life is difficult. How has God developed character in your life by leading you through difficult times? What did you learn? How did it change you?
- Read James 3:2. None of us is perfect, but James suggests that if we can control the way we speak, the rest of our lives will follow. What are some ways that God could work through your life if you used your words to bless and encourage people? Who can you encourage with your words this week?
- Read Proverbs 18:20-21. Solomon tells us that our words can bring a harvest to us if we use them for life and not death. Those blessings become apparent when we reach the end of our lives and see the influence we’ve had on those we loved. Share something someone told you that helped you, changed you, or encouraged you.
Taking it Home:
What is one thing you can apply to your life from this message and how can this group remember you in prayer this week? Spend some time praying for the civil servants–that God would continue to give them courage, strength, and peace in their hearts as they serve and protect us.